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我想要一张亲笔签名。I want an autograph.

蒂娜得到了詹克蒂恩的亲笔签名。Tina got Jake Dean's autograph.

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是呀。那一张上面有她的亲笔签名。That one has her autograph on it.

上一次向某人要亲笔签名?I asked someone for their autograph?

我得到了他的亲笔签名并和他交谈。I got his autograph and talked to him.

请题名留念。Please give your autograph as a memento.

——“你愿意给我们你的亲笔签名吗?”Would you mind giving us your autograph?

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这里付上一个送你弟的亲笔签名and here's an autograph for your brother

是呀。那一张上面有她的亲笔签名。I know. That one has her autograph on it.

我有许多著名足球运动员的亲笔签名。He signed this autograph on the cover of his book.

有些读者甚至要我在他们的T恤上签名。Some readers even had me autograph their T shirts.

中间休息的时候我们去找她签名吧!Let's ask for her autograph during the intermission!

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孩子们要求这位足球运动员签名。The little boys asked the footballer for his autograph.

她的粉丝正不惜一切代价地要得到她的签名呢。Her fans are doing whatever it takes to get her autograph.

来参加见面会获取飞轮海亲笔签名吧!Join our Meet & Greet and get Fahrenheit's autograph on your CD.

一大群歌迷正排队等流行歌星的亲笔签名。A large crowd of fans are queuing up for the pop star's autograph.

如何把你的扇子邮件和签名要求对弗兰克Dillane吗?。How to send your fan mail and autograph requests to Frank Dillane?

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成龙是个影视明星,大家都想要他的亲笔签名。Jackie Chan is a film star , so people want to have his autograph.

你根本不必,但如果这样,你还是应该给马修签签名you didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew

演讲过后,杰克从人群中迂回挤到演说者跟前,请他亲笔签名。After the lecture Jack edged up to the speaker and asked him for his autograph.