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睡意渐浓,安睡后,我们做了不少愉快的美梦。Sleep gradually claimed us and brought gentle, restful dreams.

相比之下,喝茶的人睡得更久更香。Tea drinkers, in contrast, had longer and more restful slumbers.

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并且宁静的睡眠有助于长久的记忆。And it helps to have restful sleep in between to remember long term.

把床放置在面对门的方位,这样就能确保你睡个安稳的好觉了。Place the bed so that it's facing the door to ensure a good restful sleep.

我也非常喜欢钓鱼,坐在河边钓鱼是多么地悠闲自得啊。I'm very fond of fishing too. It's so restful sitting by the riverside angling.

为什么还没有一个针对RESTful应用的标准描述语言?Why is not there a standard descriptions language for RESTful applications yet?

不管什么理由,最终都是期望夜晚睡的香,睡得安宁。No matter what the reason, the ultimate expectation is a good, restful nights sleep.

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如果你知道哪些食物会降低你的睡眠质量,你会记得避免吃这些食物吗?And if you knew which foods would hinder your restful slumber, wouldn't you avoid them?

昨晚休息得很好。科顿饭店很幽静舒适。我已完全恢复过来了。I had a very restful night. Cotton Hotel is a nice quiet place. I'm quite myself again.

它在如何实现RESTful服务方面给予了开发者极大的灵活性。It gives developers a lot of flexibility on how they *implement* their RESTful services.

你不需服药,只要休息休息,安静得睡一觉,恢复你的精神即可。You don't need to take drugs, just take rest and restful sleep or recondition your mind.

假如住宅通气顺畅,规划恰当,当然家内平安。If the residence aerates smooth, the program is proper, of course inside the home restful.

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在RESTful应用中,服务器在运行时以链接形式提供这个信息。In RESTful applications, servers provide this information at runtime in the form of links.

但是,中国人由于遭受西方列强的欺辱已经养成了一种温文尔雅的心性。But to those who suffer from the brutalities of the West, Chinese urbanity is very restful.

让柔软的枕头、轻柔的羽绒被陪您进入宁静的梦乡。Drift off into a restful sleep, surrounded by larger pillows , crisp linen and a light duvet.

那么我们应该怎样培养最为保存记忆力神奇原料的宁静睡眠呢?So how do we cultivate the restful sleep that's the magical ingredient in preserving memories?

不过,让总统这样以逸待劳,坐等选举大战,那会更加危险。But that is too risky a bet to allow Mr Obama many restful nights between now and election day.

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这是很难得到一个深刻的太软,舒适的睡眠,太硬,太小或太旧。It's difficult to get deep, restful sleep on one that's too soft, too hard, too small or too old.

大闹平安城、炸炮楼等都做成了游戏副本,加入到游戏中。Be troubled by blockhouse of restful city, blast to wait greatly make it game carbon, in joining game.

对于个人的舒适,宁静的有著名的四季床,大衣柜和一个室内保险箱。For personal comfort, there are famously restful Four Seasons beds, large closets and an in-room safe.