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裁缝把这套衣服做坏了。The tailor has butch ered this suit.

可食用的屠宰过的动物内脏。Edible viscera of a butch ered animal.

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⊙、英雄见了英雄爱,虎豹见虎豹欢。Heroes see the hero of love, just see butch.

虎豹公司正在登上一个新的、更高的发展平台。Butch companies are boarding a new, higher development platform.

今天剪断披肩长发,剃成了板寸平头。I get a haircut today, had my shoulder-length hair cut to butch hair.

我向肉店定购了一些肉—今天下午回家路上去取。I order some meat from the butch er—I'll pick it up on my way home this afternoon.

楼上的酒吧里满是身穿牛仔装的“壮男”,拿着酒瓶子喝啤酒。The upstairs bar was full of butch gays in cowboy outfits, drinking beer out of the bottle.

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布奇摩根,这里,”他指着第一条告示说,“是一个偷牛贼和银行抢劫犯。”Butch Morgan, here, " he said, pointing to the first poster, "is a rustler and a bank robber.

男孩离开了她父母的家,因为她已经怀孕了不名誉叫布奇富勒。Mattie leaves her parents' home because she is pregnant by a disreputable man named Butch Fuller.

我和Butch正在打桌球,当轮到我打的时候,他突然走了出去,并且杀了这个家伙。I was playing pool with Butch. While it was my turn, he stepped outside for a moment and killed this guy.

私募股权如同职业摔跤一样,有真假难辨的亚文化,这让人难以将其所作所为皆信以为真。LIKE professional wrestling, private equity has a butch subculture that is hard to take entirely seriously.

布奇和桑德斯向着山顶驰去,他们稍稍加快了步伐,因为他们就要到达目的地了。BUTCH AND SUNDANCE riding along the crest, picking up their pace a little, because now they are getting there and.

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我提起有传言说吉布河路将铺设路面,“是的,有人建议要铺路面,”布奇说,“这是一件好事,想一想能带来多少游客。I mentioned a rumoured plan to surface the Gibb River Road. "Yeah, there's still a move to metal the surface, " said Butch.

来自澳大利亚的参赛选手、54岁的“硬汉”格拉汉姆·古德费勒说,海明威和澳大利亚人有一些重要的相似之处。Contestant Graham "Butch" Goodfellow, 54, of Australia said Hemingway and the Australians had some crucial things in common.

另一方面,伍兹的前教练布奇·哈蒙在欧洲接受采访时的有不同表示On the other end of the spectrum we have Tiger's former teacher Butch Harmon, who leveled dead aim at Woods in an interview in Europe

或许我可以找个假小子做女朋友——找个短头发、中性气质,喜欢穿男人衣服的女孩子,这样问题就解决了吧?Maybe I could find a butch straight girl —someone with short hair, androgynous features and a fondness for guys’ clothing. Was that the trick?

布奇。他犹疑了一会儿,瞥了小胡子男人一眼,小胡子男人仍然垂头丧气地坐在椅子上。布奇摇摇头,然后退到一旁。He hesitates a moment, glancing down at the MOUSTACHED MAN, who still sits slumped in his chair. BUTCH shakes his head, then moves back out of the way.

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布奇。他犹疑了一会儿,瞥了小胡子男人一眼,小胡子男人仍然垂头丧气地坐在椅子上。布奇摇摇头,然后退到一旁。BUTCH. He hesitates a moment, glancing down at the MOUSTACHED MAN, who still sits slumped in his chair. BUTCH shakes his head, then moves back out of the way.

对应口岸为哈萨克斯坦东哈萨克斯坦州迈哈布奇盖口岸,距中方口岸0.5公里,距哈萨克斯坦斋桑市60公里。Kazakhstan corresponding points for the East Kazakhstan state Butch el build ports, 0.5 km from the port side, away from the Kazakhstan city of San Lent 60 km.

今年的那一天,我没能准时来到我们分离的空间,没能带上一串你的花,没能体验那种我应有的心酸,在你身边。That day of this year, I was unable to come to our space apart, unable to bring a butch of your flower, unable to experience the acid that I deserve, being with you.