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一件蓝绒衣和一条白短裤。A blue sweatshirt and white shorts.

她穿着牛仔裤和运动衫,非常得体。She's respectably dressed in jeans and sweatshirt.

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C-Note揭开了他的运动衫,现出了他的伤口。C-Note pulls up his sweatshirt to reveal the wound.

大山,你觉得这件橘黄色汗衫怎么样?Dashan, what do you think of this orange sweatshirt?

我赶快给她找了一件厚实的运动衫,帮她穿上。I found her a warm sweatshirt and helped her pull it on.

我正在为我的儿子找一件棉质的体恤衫。他19岁。I'm looking for a cotton sweatshirt for my son. He's 19.

晨跑的时候喜欢穿有帽子的运动衫。I wear a hooded sweatshirt when I go running in the moring.

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49号是一名男性,一米七左右,穿着蓝色牛仔裤和运动衫。No. 49 was a man, 5-foot-7, wearing blue jeans and a sweatshirt.

我想,他的头发是棕色的,并且他穿着一件黑色长袖棉线衫。He had brown hair, I think, and he was wearing a black sweatshirt.

穿件印着巴黎圣母院的汗衫除草不等于你就是天主教徒。Moving your lawn in a Notre Dame sweatshirt doesn't make you a catholic.

一款简单的套衫配上宽大的肩带,休闲舒适。An easy sweatshirt -knit pullover with wide straps, to wear layered or alone.

更衣室外面一个高个男子穿着件带帽运动套衫斜靠在墙上更衣室外面一个高个男子穿着件带帽子的运动套衫斜靠在墙上。Outside the locker room a tall man in a hooded sweatshirt leaned against the wall.

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一个相关的提醒,不要穿着卫衣,或者其他类型的毛衣或针织毛裤。On a related note, don't wear hoodies or any other type of sweatshirt or sweatpants.

灰色的水手领是美国的经典款式,它比以往其他任何款式更加万能。The gray crew-neck sweatshirt is an American classic that's more versatile than ever.

第一夫人穿着绿色和黑色的连衣裙,配着一件绛红色的毛衣。FLOTUS was wearing a green and black dress with a magenta sweatshirt or sweater ver it.

奥威尔解释,比如有个人戴头罩穿运动衫突然打碎一扇窗户。For example, explains Orwell, say a man in a hooded sweatshirt suddenly smashes a window.

一天,我穿着运动衫和休闲裤,一个学生进来了,他的眼睛一下瞪得老大。One of those days I wore a sweatshirt and slacks. A student came in and his eyes widened.

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男孩大约十一岁的样子,穿着红色的印着加勒比海盗的T恤衫,一脸不高兴的样子。He was aged about 11, wore a red Pirates of the Caribbean sweatshirt and a resolute scowl.

我儿子从来都是穿他的灰色带拉链的连帽运动衫和其他有帽子的长袖衫。My son tends to live in his gray zip-up hooded sweatshirt and pullover hooded sweatshirts.

他把继父的枪藏在衣服底下偷了出来拿到西路商城。They say he has stolen it from his stepfather into the Westroads Mall under his sweatshirt.