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罗森鲍姆认为里根能击败吉米·卡特。Rosenbaum thinks Regan can beat Jimmy Carter.

里根总统和他的女牛仔似的妻子南茜住在农场里。President Regan lived on a ranch with his cowgirl wife, Nancy.

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还为她右翼,有利于企业联盟与美国总统里根。Also for her right-wing, pro-corporate alliance with US President Regan.

里根在担任总统职务的整个任期都一直深得民心。Regan remained popular throughout his tenure of the office of president.

里甘告诉美联社说,她认为这本书就是辛普森的招认书。Regan told the Associated Press she considers the book O. J. Simpson's confession.

此时雷根推行放手让企业自由发展的政策。At this time, Mr. Regan carried out the policy of "deregulation" or called Reaganomics.

她还表示,有一次,在电话交谈中,里根挂了她的电话。She also says that on one occasion, Regan hung up on her in the middle of a phone conversation.

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精神病科医生有证言说,那个企图暗杀里根总统的年轻人当时精神失常。The psychiatrist gave testimony that the young man who tried to assassinate President Regan was insane at that time.

这是一本有选择性的自传,里面并没有描述他的参议员工作,也没有介绍他为里根总统工作或担任海军部长的经历。It's a selective autobiography—there's nothing about being senator or his time working for Regan or being a secretary of Navy.

拉希姆·斯特林、亚当·摩根、马蒂·里根以及布拉德·史密斯都有可能在这场欧洲U17预选赛的比赛中亮相。Raheem Sterling, Adam Morgan, Matty Regan and Brad Smith will all be hoping to impress in the U17 European Championship qualifiers.

在她游过白令海峡三个月后,里根和戈尔巴乔夫碰面,签署了中程核导弹条约。About three months after her swim across the Bering Straight, Ronald Regan and Mickael Gorbachov met to sign the INF missile treaty.

在她游过白令海峡三个月后,里根和戈尔巴乔夫碰面,签署了中程核导弹条约。About three months after her swim across the Bering Straight, Ronald Regan and Mickael Gorbachov met to sign the INF missile treaty.

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所以,如果一个政治家死抱著雷根的政策,食古不化的运作,可能就会为百姓带来很严重的灾难。So, if a stubborn politician sticks to the policy of President Regan and insists to carry it out, he will possibly bring serious disaster to the society.

所以,如果一个政治家死抱着里根的政策,食古不化的运作,可能就会为百姓带来很严重的灾难。So, if a stubborn politician stuck to the policy of Mr. Ronald Regan and insisted to carry it out, he would possibly bring serious disaster to the society.

马修·里根被罚出场使得罗多夫·博雷尔的球队雪上加霜,之后麦克拉伦梅开二度帮助布莱克本取得了两球的领先优势。Things got worse for Rodolfo Borrell's men when Matthew Regan was sent off for the Reds, before MacLaren netted again to give Blackburn a two-goal cushion.

所以,如果一个政治家死抱著雷根的政策,食古不化的运作,可能就会为百姓带来很严重的灾难。So, if a stubborn politician sticked to the policy of Mr. Ronald Regan and insisted to carry it out, he would possibly bring serious disaster to the society.

近几十年来,由于在调查报道领域出现了揭露尼克松政府的“水门事件”、里根政府的“伊朗门事件”、日本的“里库路特”案件等杰作,轰动了本国及世界。In recent years, because of the Nixon administration's "Watergate", Regan administration's "Iran gate" and so on, the investigative reporting has rocked the whole world.

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课程以里根所谓的“破冰”晚宴开始,由参与者围绕旅行、商业投资和他们钟爱的飞机来进行彬彬有礼地交谈。It begins with what Mr Regan calls an "ice-breaking" dinner, where participants trade urbane conversation about trips taken, business ventures and their favourite aircraft.

最为回应,里根政府着手“伊朗门”事件,即挪用对伊朗的非法军售所得资金用来汇集对尼加拉瓜反对派的非法援助。Inresponse, the Regan administration embarked on the Iran-Contra affair, by whichfunds from illegal arms sales to Iran were diverted to funnel illegal aid tothe Nicaraguan rebels.

在序言部分,里根说他希望这本演讲集能让读者深入了解他是谁,他从哪里来,他的信仰和他最终想做什么。In his introduction, Regan states that he hopes this collection of speeches will give the reader insights into who he is, where he came from, what he believes, and what he tried to do as a result.