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最后他渡过了特拉华河。At last he crossed the Delaware River.

很好。我现在可以看见德拉威交流道接近了。Great. I can see the Delaware exit ramp coming up now.

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人们想知道为什么里维尔在特拉华州的四分之一。People wondered why Revere was on the Delaware quarter.

特拉华州则要求发誓相信三位一体的宗教信仰原则。Delaware required an oath affirming belief in the Trinity.

拜登10岁那年,全家迁到特拉华州。The family moved to the state of Delaware when Biden was 10.

他们一同上报了联邦税收和特拉华州收入税额。They filed joint federal and Delaware income tax returns. Dr.

克莱斯勒计划关闭特拉华州工厂及裁员1.3万。Chrysler plans to close a Delaware plant and to cut 13, 000 jobs.

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从弗吉尼亚到德拉瓦约州的亨洛彭角将被设置飓风实时监测。A hurricane watch was set from Virginia to Cape Henlopen, Delaware.

奥巴马与拜登在特拉华州的新威明顿的房间里谈论工作。Obama and Biden work the room at the rally in Wilmington, Delaware.

拜登今年65岁,1972年当选参议员。The 65-year-old Delaware Democrat was first elected to the Senate in 1972.

柏瑞博博士拥有特拉华大学的化学工程博士学位。Rob obtained his Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware.

这一做法源自于特拉华大学的海克博士。The ball was set rolling in the 1960s by Dr Heck, of the University of Delaware.

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德拉瓦州民主党议员乔·拜登在辩论中遇到的挑战有所不同。Democratic Senator Joe Biden of Delaware faces different challenges in the debate.

密苏里州、肯塔基州、马里兰和特拉华这些边界州则站在联邦军这一边。The border states of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware stayed in the Union.

夏日的阳光吸引了一大群人来到特拉华州里霍博斯湾游泳和日光浴。The summer sun brings hordes of swimmers and sunbathers to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

另外一个像特拉华州的地方,允许其他州的股东建立公司。Another state like Delaware that allows out-of-state shareholders to set up companies.

有一次,我们和几个年轻人在德拉瓦尔河的船中轮流划船,轮到他时他拒绝划桨。Once, in a boat on the Delaware with some other young men, he refused to row in his turn.

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扔南瓜世界锦标赛在特拉华州的布里奇维尔举办你能把一个南瓜扔多远呢?World Championship Punkin Chunkin, Bridgeville, Delaware How far can you chunk a pumpkin?

美国特拉华东北部城市,位于宾夕法尼亚州费城西南、特拉华河上。A city of northeast Delaware on the Delaware River southwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

美国宾夕法尼亚州最大的城市,位于该州东南部、特拉华河上沿岸。The largest city of Pennsylvania, in the southeast part of the state on the Delaware River.