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电灶是蓝色。The cooker is blue.

电灶的色彩是蓝的。the cooker is blue.

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炊具是电的。The cooker was electric.

我们用瓦斯炉煮菜。We cook on a gas cooker.

我们管这叫煤气灶。We call this a gas cooker.

干燥箱,煮水器,烹调器。Dry box, heater and cooker.

他买了一个压力锅。He bought a pressure cooker.

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电灶是蓝色的。The electric cooker is blue.

但是,电饭煲是伟大的创意吗?Was the rice cooker a great idea?

我的女房东是个很好的煮菜机。My landlady is a very good cooker.

电炉子是什么颜色的?。What colour is the electric cooker?

电灶是什么颜色的?What colour is the electtic cooker?

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要记得把煤气炉关掉。Remember to turn off the gas cooker.

我看到了一个厨师在灶上炖鸡。I saw a cook cook a cock on a cooker.

你的饮具用煤气还是用电?Is your cooker gas-fired or electric?

电灶的颜色是蓝的。它位于房间的左侧。The cooker is blue,It is on the left.

电线坏了,电饭锅不可使用了。The damaged wire blew out the cooker.

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所以,给自己买个像样的电饭煲吧。So, get yourself a decent rice cooker.

电灶的颜色是蓝色的。它位于房间的左侧。The cooker is blue. It si on teh left.

安联球场就象一个压力锅。Allianz Arena will be a pressure cooker.