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上环现在什么价钱?。Go up annulus now what price?

戴黑环对眼镜好么?会不会很假?Is lens of cross-eye of Dai Hei annulus good? Can very false?

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我的脚环好痛,有谁知道这是为什么?。My crural annulus is very painful, who is having to know this why?

侵入带由冲洗带、过渡带或者环状空间组成。It consists of the flushed zone and the transition zone or annulus.

而砂环正是藏风的首要条件。And the first requirement that arenaceous annulus hides wind just about.

除了戴黑环以外还有什么办法可以使眼睛看起来更大?What method still can make besides Dai Hei annulus the eye looks bigger?

环室中装有五个或更多个搅拌机和一个径向折流板。Annulus is equipped with five or more agitators and a partial radial baffle.

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其形态于收缩期较舒张期更为椭圆。The mitral annulus was more planar and elliptical in systole than in diastole.

在色环中邻近的一些颜色,我们就把它们叫做类似色。In the adjacent a few color in lubricious annulus , we call them similar color.

请问做完妇科取环术就注意什么?Finish excuse me what does department of gynaecology take annulus art to notice?

无论在前屈位还是在后伸位小关节的平均剪切应力都明显高于椎间盘。There was the most intensive shear stress on anterior parts of annulus fibrosuses.

在脊索组织不断迁移时,纤维环亦增大。When notochord organization is ceaseless and migratory, fiber annulus also increases.

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设B是一个复的向量空间,它是由环链在平环上的简单闭曲线生成。Let B be a complex vector space generated by some simple closed curves in the annulus.

本文采用数值计算方法讨论了超高斯光束经椭圆环的衍射现象。The diffraction of super Gaussian beams by an elliptic annulus is studied numerically.

在投加环空保护液后,环空腐蚀速度远远小于油管内腐蚀速度。After the fluid is used, the annulus corrosion rate is more lower that that of tubings.

进一步检查椎间隙发现有残余的骨赘和后方纤维环。Further examination of the disc space showed residual osteophytes and posterior annulus.

在日环食期间,绕着月亮的那轮浅浅的太阳光就被称为环面。The thin ring of sunshine encircling the moon during an annular eclipse is called an annulus.

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由于白色城堡耸立在高高的山上,其四面环山和湖泊。Because white castle towers aloft to go up in high hill, its all around annulus hill and laky.

安装电刷时应注意准确位置及其与滑环的接触情况良好。Install electronic brush to the right place and make sure it goes well with the rolling annulus.

位于三尖瓣环和下腔静脉口间的峡部为消融部位。The ablation target site was the isthmus between tricuspid valve annulus and inferior vana cava.