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允许分批装运。Partial shipment is allowed.

与赛昂也是部分的。With Théon too it was partial.

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这里列举的充其量只是一小部分。This is a partial list at best.

你说的不完全对,我只不过是爱好文学。You're partial. I just like it.

这只是一个片面的解决方案。This is only a partial solution.

两个分压之和。Sum of the two partial pressures.

是A物质的分压。This is the partial pressure of A.

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别护着自己的孩子。Don't be partial to your own child.

为什么我们偏爱偏微分呢?Why do we like partial derivatives?

也能提高第九分音They can bring up the ninth partial.

适用于偏风热型。Applied to the partial wind-heat type.

这是气相中的分压。It's partial pressure in the gas phase.

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开放部分乳突腔。Opening partial mastoid process cavity.

它们能压低第七分音They can push down the seventh partial.

这是多字节字符的一部分。This is a partial multi-byte character.

断面图及局部放大图。Cuts and drawing of partial enlargement.

鲍林说这带有部分离子特性。He said this is partial ionic character.

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下面是汤姆汉克斯的部分作品。Here's partial filmography of Tom Hanks.

裁判偏袒主队。The referee is partial to the host team.

部份萎缩AMACR标记阳性。Partial atrophy can be positive for AMACR.