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与前任在一起的经历对我们是会有所帮助还是阻碍?Will our experiences with our exes help or hinder us?

我提供了DLL的各种情况和可能发生的EXE文件。I've provided DLLs and EXEs for various situations that can occur.

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难对付。我们有一些人一旦同以前的爱人分手后,不愿再有任何关系。Tough one. Some of us want nothing more to do with our exes once we break up.

女孩和男人都和他们的上一段恋情分开了,而且他们都是单身,对吧?The girl and the guy were just broke up with their exes , so they are both single, right?

他们可能是你从未与之交往过却对你怀有好感的人,也可能是你货真价实的前男/女友。These could be people you've never dated who've started to show an interest or actual exes.

今日发布的这一调查结果显示,会做这种梦的男人不一定白天会想念前女友。And the results, released today, revealed that the men in question were not necessarily pining for their exes by day.

虽然圈与组价已超出了他们的目光投向城市设立,他们具有强烈的香港独立音乐圈感到自豪。Although Noughts and Exes have their sights set beyond the city, they are fiercely proud of Hong Kong's independent music scene.

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他之所以会选择这些保险的礼物是因为他揣测了女孩子们的心思——这是他基于对前女友认知的结果。The fact that he chose from these safe options reflects his speculation of what girls would like, a result of his knowledge based on his exes.

虽然这些聚会总是将我们和家人朋友快乐地召集在一起,也可能把那些昔日旧爱带到面前。Although these get-togethers often happily reunite us with family and friends, they also tend to unhappily reunite us with our exes of yesteryear.

在美国国家科学院2010年的一项研究中,40名被测试者先后接触到了他们前任的照片以及令人不舒服的热水。A study, documented in 2010 by the National Academy of Sciences in the US, exposed 40 participants to images of their exes and uncomfortably hot water.

基本的逻辑是,我们不会产生任何新的漏洞,因为Windows允许非托管的可执行文件通过网络共享运行。The basic rationale is that we are not opening any holes that were not already there because Windows allows non-managed exes to run from a network share.

他们对于前任的弱点和缺点都了如指掌因此他们可以开发和利用这些而带给自己一种权力和控制的感觉。They also have inside information about their exes vulnerabilities and weaknesses that they can exploit and manipulate which gives them a sense of power and control.

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因此,如果你不想从网络运行托管代码程序,那么也不应该将非托管代码程序区别对待。Thus if you want to disallow launching exes off the network you should not have one way of doing it for managed code, and a completely different way for unmanaged code.

比如,注视前任伴侣的照片激活了那些可卡因吸食者的大脑中所激活的区域——这可能能够帮助解释那些虚幻的爱情小说中的许多情节。For instance, looking at photos of exes lit up regions that are activated in cocaine addicts' brains — which may help explain quite a lot of the plot of those Twilight books.