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我决心有效地索引数据。I resolve to index data usefully.

但是它有用地提炼出了一个概念。But it usefully distils one concept.

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而爱尔兰人们应该在更早的时候留心这些忠告。More counsel that the Irish could usefully have heeded earlier.

如果包括“冲击波”在内的一切保守疗法都没有用呢?If includes the shock-wave all conservative treatments not to have usefully ?

也许是外星人与我们太不一样了而不能较好的沟通。The extraterrestrials may be too different from us to communicate with usefully.

可有利地使用沉淀添加剂例如硝化纤维素或明胶。Precipitation additives such as nitrocellulose or gelatin can usefully be employed.

这些精力本来可以在语义透明性问题上发挥更大的作用。This energy might be more usefully directed towards the problem of semantic transparency.

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会找到一些有用的新途径这里的病人培养富有创新精神的口味。Will find some usefully novel approaches here to patient cultivation of adventuresome palates.

有什么可吃或不可吃的国际指标能像“巨无霸货币”那样有效?What international indicator, edible or otherwise, could usefully be served with Big MacCurrencies?

我们需要澄清和阐明卫生系统如何有益地与卫生干预规划相联系。We need to clarify and demystify how health systems link usefully to health intervention programmes.

什么时候管理者可以以有效避开任务计划的方法管理项目?When might the manager usefully avoid getting involved in task planning as a means for managing a project?

所以说日本的社群主义有其消极的一面,但是我们美国人往那个方向前进一两步,则会有裨益。So Japan's communitarianism has its downside, but we Americans could usefully move a step or two in that direction.

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因此日本的社群主义有它本身的缺点,但我们美国人可以朝这个方向迈出建设性的一两步。So Japan’s communitarianism has its downside, but we Americans could usefully move a step or two in that direction.

让我们也在起床前大口呼吸、伸直手脚,这可是超级有用的醒脑操呢。Allow underhand method of we are big before get up also breath, unbend, but this is super wake usefully the head is held.

同时上面也贴心的预留前变速器组装位置,在未来升级时不会有任何问题。Usefully it also incorporates a braze-on type front derailleur mount, so extending the gear range shouldn't be a problem.

您可能感到旅行精灵有点意思也有点用处,花一些时间和它一起到地球上的各个大洲去旅行。You can have fun and very usefully spend some time traveling together with the Travel Genius round the Earth's continents.

与会者列出自身领域的弱项,这样可以得到来自其他领域的有效帮助。The participants noted areas of weakness in their own disciplines that could be usefully addressed from other perspectives.

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勤奋将取得优秀成果,并促使利益范围广泛的群体参与分享有益的资源。Diligent has many fine achievements and prompted the interests of a wide range of groups that could usefully share resources.

掏土法和注水法是湿陷性黄土地区进行砖石古塔纠偏的两种实用方法。Consequentially, drawing out clay method and injecting method are usefully deviation rectified methods in collapsible loess ground.

双方都在前苏联地区保护核武器和其他武器材料方面做出行动,并且在其他国家正进行有效的合作。Both have worked to safeguard nuclear and other weapons materials in the old Soviet Union and are co-operating usefully in other countries.