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你道方小说陵皇帝会放过我们?You way ambition the square novel Ling dictator pass us?

利比亚专制政权迅速倒塌,出乎人们的意料。In Libya, the fall of a dictator came faster than anyone expected.

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朝鲜统治者走上了一条截然不同的核道路。The North Korean dictator has taken a very different nuclear path.

在这台电脑中一个叫做总控的程序想一个批示官一样工作。In this computer a mean program called Master Control behaves like a dictator.

一些人将卡斯特罗看作是一位革命英雄,另一些人则认为他是一个暴君。Some people see him as a revolutionary hero, and by others as a cruel dictator.

你明天去参加十六皇子的伴读选试!You tomorrow take part in the accompany of 16 dictator sons to read to choose to try!

理由是与其他统治者相比,他的行为造成了更多人的死亡。The reason is that his actions lead to more deaths than any other dictator in history.

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唯一的要求是执政者拥有驱迫人民的必要权力。The only requirement is that the dictator have the requisite power to force the people.

在这期间,作为众议院发言人的乔大叔是老派卫道士们的领袖。Uncle Joe in those days was Speaker of the House and supreme dictator of the Old Guard.

伊拉克政府公布了萨达姆的尸体画面是为了证实他的死亡真实性。The Iraqi government released the footage so as to prove the former dictator was indeed dead.

他从巴格达接通的电话中说,萨达姆没有表现出任何懊悔。The former Iraqi dictator showed no remorse, said Rubaie, speaking by telephone from Baghdad.

没有一个全球性的执权者,比如,他可以取缔用谷物喂养牲畜的饲养场。There's no global dictator who can, for instance, abolish feedlots where corn is fed to cattle.

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者被忠诚地而且冷酷地执行所有的命令的家仆包围着他自己。The dictator surrounded himself with myrmidons who would loyally and pitilessly execute all orders.

啊,这紫云郡主将会是我们风辰国的皇妃吧!This lavender cloud princess will be us breeze Chen the dictator imperial concubine of the country!

利比亚的石油生产早在今年9月卡扎菲被赶出的黎波里时就已重新开始了。Oil production in Libya had already restarted after the dictator was driven out of Tripoli in September.

宋帝王占据东南方沃焦石下的黑绳大地狱。The Sung dictator king occupies a southeast square fertile burnt stone under of black cord the globe jail.

江森海是创可贴T恤品牌的创建者和创意总监,这是北京的首个原创T恤品牌。Dominic is the founder and creative dictator of Plastered T-shirts, Beijing's first, original t-shirt brand.

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而当执政者的贪婪之心日益茁壮时,就会开始以武力胁迫的方式侵犯弱小的国家。And when the dictator becomes greedier, he or she will start to coerce other weak countries by military force.

卡斯楚推翻暴君巴蒂斯达,成为古巴总理。February 16, 1959 After overthrowing the brutal dictator Fulgencio Batista, Fidel Castro became premier of Cuba.

怎么就这样自愿屈从在权威与专制的淫威之下,却还在自嘲苟活着?Whey are they willing to endure the abusing of power of the authority and dictator and living with self-mockery?