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我是个空想家。I am a good daydreamer.

她总是耽于幻想。She was a habitual daydreamer.

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他是个彻头彻尾的空想家。He is an out and out daydreamer.

他是个一直住在空中****里的空想家。He is always living in a castle in Spain as a daydreamer.

这是一种很花哨的说法,说的是我喜欢做白日梦。This is just a flowery way of saying that I’m a daydreamer.

不会成功的,他是个彻头彻尾的空想家。Things are not gonna work out. He is an out and out daydreamer.

双鱼妈妈是个天生的空想家,渴望生活在奇幻世界。As Piscean mother is daydreamer and lives in the world of fantasy.

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别再相信他了。他是个一直住在空中阁楼里的空想家。Don't trust him any more. He is always living in a castle in Spain as a daydreamer.

别再相信他了,他是个一直住在空中楼阁里的空想家。Don't trust him any more , he is always living in a castle in Spain as a daydreamer.

一个只会做梦,却不会数学的人,在价格变化太快时也会亏损。A daydreamer who cannot do simple arithmetic on the run becomes lost when prices change rapidly.

空想是不可能现实的,空想家永远做不成你想做的事情。The cloud-castle is impossibly realistic, the daydreamer doesn't to become the affair that you want to do forever.

这部将米蒂的幻想冒险扩展到两天时长的电影,由丹尼·凯出演这位和蔼的白日梦想家。The film, which extends Mitty's imaginary adventures over a two-day period, stars Danny Kaye as the affable daydreamer.

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某个思想开小差的人,会不介意现实生活里发生的事情,这样的人可能被人们叫做“空想家”。" Someone with his head in the clouds is a person whose mind is not on what is happening in real life. Such a person may be called a "daydreamer.

但在艺术家的语境转换中,水平的地面一旦变作垂直的墙面,都市人雕像也忽然丧失其社会身份,变身为一个耽于幻想和白日梦的天空仰望者。Turning the ground to a wall, the artist changes the horizontal context to a vertical one, which derives the social identity of the character from its original to an image of moonstruck daydreamer.