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同时,这也会防止错误判决。It would also help prevent wrongful convictions.

抄袭就是不正当的盗用别人的成果。Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation or purloining.

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她在法国起诉科赫-格力奇公司非法解雇她。She sued Koch-Glitsch in France for wrongful termination.

第四章关于错误扣船的问题。The last chapter talks about the wrongful arrest of ship.

另一项主要的误判原因就是假供。Another major cause of wrongful convictions is false confessions.

有两个家庭已经向麦赛能源公司提起意外致死诉讼。Two families have filed wrongful death suits against the company.

错误出生、错误生命是源于美国法上的概念。Wrongful birth and wrongful life are conceptions of American Law.

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李先生说许是错误关押的极端案例。Mr. Li says Mr. Chen’s is an extreme case of wrongful confinement.

英足总已经接受了对埃辛错误的停赛的上诉。A claim for wrongful dismissal from Michael Essien has been received by the FA.

在争取我们的合法地位的过程中,我们不应该因为错误的行为而自咎。In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.

杰克逊的父亲,乔·杰克逊已向联办法院起诉莫里的过失杀人罪。The singer's father, Joe Jackson, has sued Murray for wrongful death in federal court.

他在旅游车前窗粘贴便条,一再声称他受到不当解雇。He stuck a notice to the coach's front window to press his claim of wrongful dismissal.

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只要在模拟市民世界看到有违法行为,本论坛就将有关事件用作投票呀!Provided that In The Sims World Discover Wrongful Behavior, From Forum Use About Occurrence Voting!

因波士顿挖掘大隧道而被砸死的一妇女的家属已就此不正当的死亡案提出诉讼。The family of the woman cushed to death in Boston's Big Dig Tunnel has filed a wrongful death lawsuit.

难以共处的配偶为他们的错误行为承担责任通常有一段艰难的时光。Also, difficult-to-live-with spouses generally have a hard time assuming responsibility for their wrongful actions.

俄罗斯拒绝批准议定书的主要原因是本国的“经济效益”重于温室效应。The act of non-ratification is not an internationally wrongful act, so Russia should not bear the state responsibility.

而这仅仅是针对这名前NFL明星的3千3百万美元意外死亡赔偿要求的一部分。It's all part of that family's quest to claim a 33-million-dollar wrongful death civil judgment against the ex-NFL star.

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在经过DNA鉴定发现的错判案例中,有超过四分之三涉及目击证人认错人的情况。More than three out of four wrongful convictions identified through DNA testing involved faulty eyewitness identification.

错误可能导致错误的逮捕,“思想被引导是错误定罪最主要的原因,”他说。While errors might lead to wrongful arrest, “it’s contamination that is the primary factor in wrongful convictions,” he said.

在裁判委员会举行了听证之后,关于阿森纳后卫托马斯·费尔马伦是被误判罚下这一申诉被驳回。At a Regulatory Commission hearing today, a claim for wrongful dismissal from Arsenal defender Thomas Vermaelen was dismissed.