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第二种类型为“转口贸易型”,以中国香港、新加坡等为代表。The other one is "entrepot trade", like Hong Kong and Singapore.

转口贸易曾经是香港经济的重要支柱之一。Entrepot trade was once one of the important economic pillars in Hong Kong.

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因此,应尽量减少转口贸易,提倡大力拓展直接远洋贸易。Thus it is advisable to encourage ocean-going trade and reduce entrepot trade to a minimum.

其功能定位为“保税仓储、出口加工、转口贸易”三大功能。Its function as a " bonded warehouse , export processing, entrepot trade, " the three major functions.

第六条区内不得经营商业零售、一般贸易、转口贸易及其他与加工区无关的业务。Article 6 Retail business, general trade, entrepot trade and other irrelevant businesses are prohibited.

整个园区内绿树成荫、环境优美,创业园将力争成为一流的花园式园区。The industrial park is green, beautiful, the entrepot will strive to become a first-class garden style are.

香港继续发展,成为邻近地区的转口港,与中国的贸易也不断增长。Hong Kong continued to expand its role as an entrepot with its neighbours and trade with China was no exception.

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新的总部也将解决紧迫的短缺,工作在目前的港口众议院的转口港码头。The new headquarters will also solve the pressing shortage of workspace in the present Port House on the Entrepot quay.

近几年,中国对美出口三分之二以上是经过香港地区转口的。In recent years, more than two-thirds of US-bound Chinese exports have undergone entrepot trade in the Hong Kong region.

由于其连接欧洲和中国航运路线的战略地位,它很快发展成为一个贸易中心。It soon grew as an entrepot town d ue to its strategic location along the busy shipping routes connecting Europe to China.

通过实例模拟,对西气东输工程拟建的钢管中转站应建立的正常储备与保险储备进行了计算。In the paper, a simulation calculation on the reserve and safety reserve of steel pipe for the entrepot storages has been carried out.

第一,美方的进口统计,因忽视转口和转口增加值而高估了从中国的进口。First, the US import statistics has ignored entrepot trade and value added from entrepot trade to over-estimate its imports from China.

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随着内地对外丝绸直接贸易的增加,香港在丝绸转口贸易上的重要性将逐渐下降。However, it has gradually lost its important position in entrepot trade with the increasing volume of foreign silk trade on the mainland.

在去年十一月,中国表示其将在吉布提设立军事基地,吉布提是非洲好望角极其重要的战略入口。In November last year, it announced it would establish anaval facility in Djibouti, the strategically vital entrepot on the Horn ofAfrica.

香港丝绸贸易的优势与特点表现在丝绸转口贸易与进口加工方面,其本身的市场容量有限。Hong Kong with its limited absorption of market features its favourable entrepot trade and processing with imported materials in silk trade.

2001年的数据显示,中国内地和美国占了香港转口贸易的“半壁江山”。According to 2001 statistics, of the total entrepot trade handled by Hong Kong, more than a half was from China's mainland and the United States.

重建后,因为驻军以及贸易的缘故,它又很快繁荣起来,并充当了以农业为主的汉人与游牧民族之间贸易中心。But then again, it flourished, not only by the presence of the military but also because of trade, serving as an entrepôt between agricultural China and the steppes.

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当时的香港受英国管制,所以同样需采取这项措施,结果,香港和内地的转口贸易受到很大的冲击。Hong Kong, under the administration of Britain, was forced to adopt this policy. As a result, the entrepot trade between Hong Kong and the mainland greatly declined.

因自己鲜有问鼎世界的成就而心存芥蒂的英国,一直对紧邻泰晤士河的这片气势不凡的中枢地带引以自豪。For the UK, a country which is rather self-conscious about its perceived lack of world-beaters, this grand entrepot crowded against the Thames has been a source of pride.

明清时期城市发展的基础是商业贸易,转运贸易也是城市发展的重要条件。The foundation on which the city developed was the commercial trade in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and entrepot trade was an important condition of city development too.