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我的生日是十月十日。My birthday is October tenth.

在我十岁时,我母亲就去世了。My mother died in my tenth year.

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这都是这周第十个了。This is the tenth one this week.

俄梅珥乃伊法十分之一。An omer is one tenth of an ephah.

每十米有一棵树。There is a tree every tenth meter.

大概只有十分之一的橡子能够成长。Perhaps only tenth of them will grow.

他们生活在十世纪They were alive in the tenth century.

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你对十世纪的事知道些什么?What do you know about tenth century?

他刚刚发表了他的第十本小说。He has just published his tenth novel.

有关十世纪的事你知道些什幺?What do you know about the tenth century?

我的第十辅弼担任她的。I am the tenth Prime Minister to serve her.

她已退到班上第10名了。She has dropped back to tenth in her class.

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希尔伯特第十问题是量子可解的!Hilbert's tenth problem is quantum solvable!

第十章即最后一章写得很好。The tenth and last chapter was well written.

金星掌管你的太阳第十宫的事业宫。Venus rules your solar tenth house of career.

第十耶利米,第十一末巴奈。Jeremiah the tenth and Macbannai the eleventh.

东京的人口是日本人口的十分之一。The population of Tokoyo is one tenth of Japan.

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今今天是藏历十二月初十,同时是猴年最后一个莲师日。Today is the last Tenth Day of the Monkey Year.

妈妈在我十岁生日的时候送给我一只玩具猪猪。Mother gave me a toy "pig" on my tenth birthday.

第十,孩子不懂优越感。The tenth is their ignor to superiority complex.