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你是一个冲动型消费者吗?Are you an impulse shopper?

与此同时,是一个聪明的购物者。In the mean time, be a smart shopper.

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这是一个购物者所犯的最大错误。This is the biggest mistake a shopper can make.

那购物者拿起他所看到的第一本书。The shopper picked up the first book that he saw.

对于超市员工和购物者来说,找零都很耗时。This is time-consuming for staff and shopper alike.

当你购买奢侈品时,你是一个冲动型的消费者吗?。When you buy luxury goods, are you an impulse shopper?

使用这个安全检查表来保护购物者Use this security checklist to protect yourself as a shopper

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他们是指那些拿起商品就要买的购物者。You're a shopper who picks something up and then usually buys it.

她是一名承担责任把食品装进袋子的顾客。She is one shopper who takes responsibility in bagging her own goods.

“这是该信任还是不该信任的问题,”一位加利福利亚货主说道。“There is a big trust issue with this, ” one California shopper said.

我会让礼宾部来为你安排私人导购。I'll send up the concierge , he can arrange a personal shopper for you.

46号购物者盘算着是否要买香蕉已经有4分43秒了。Shopper 46 has been contemplating bananas for four minutes and 43 seconds.

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这个好奇的人接着问,“要是我两条线都拉,会怎么样呢?”"And what happens if I pull both the strings?" our curious shopper inquires.

和大货架面的4套真正吸引顾客的注意。And the large shelf- facings of the 4-packs really attract shopper attention.

多半他的夫人,号称津巴布韦第一购物狂的女人,已经帮他重新进货了。Perhaps his wife, nicknamedthe First Shopper of Zimbabwe, helped him restock.

在马来西亚的吉隆坡,一位购物者正在挑选本月的节日精灵。A shopper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, typifies the festive spirit of the month.

当您攻击一个购物者或者他的计算机时,您只能影响独立的用户。When you attack a shopper or his computer, you can only affect one individual.

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只有备有金钢火眼的消费者才能避免消费陷阱,找到合算的东西。It takes a steely-eyed shopper to avoid the temptations and find the real savings.

收银员已经被告知核对任何看似低于16岁以下年龄的顾客。Cashiers have been told to check the age of any cracker shopper who looks under 16.

46号购物者最后拿了一盒特价的香蕉布丁,离开了农产品区。Shopper 46 exits the produce department with a bargain tub of banana pudding instead.