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纳尔感到有一股血液直往脸上冲。Noel felt the blood drain from her face.

该隐和亚伯,莱纳斯和露西,里昂和诺埃尔。Cain and Abel, Linus and Lucy, Liam and Noel.

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诺埃尔转过身,把头埋在枕头底下。Noel turned away, burying his face in the pillow.

诺尔在哪个城市得到了一份暑期奖学金?Noel is offered a summer scholarship in which city?

她因在百老汇出演了一部诺埃尔·科沃德的戏一炮而红。She shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.

诺埃尔·格霍恩为您报道美联社一分钟新闻。Noel Waghorn, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.

那时候,我曾经每天烤制400个面包。then I used to bake about 400 loaves a day," says Noel.

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同时,诺尔和他的哥哥度过了悲惨的一天。Meanwhile, Noel and his brother have a rather calamitous one.

在我住的地方的附近,有诺尔•加拉格尔,他以前在绿洲乐队。Near where I live is Noel Gallagher, who was in the band Oasis.

那时,费必须从本和诺尔之间做出抉择。At this point, Felicity must make a decision between Ben and Noel.

在这里,苏珊大妈从她的演唱专辑“第一诺埃尔”“的礼物。”Here Susan Boyle sings "The First Noel" from her album, "The Gift. "

然后,僵硬,他开始谈论诺埃尔和破裂。And then, infuriatingly, he starts to talk about Noel and the break-up.

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萧博士根据每位同学的表现提出意见及改善空间。They were then given precious advice and tips on presentation from Noel.

但当Noel去应门时,他却开始把贴纸往下拉。But when Noel goes to answer the door, he actually starts pulling off the first one.

诺埃尔加拉格尔是在更衣室奈柏在英国赫特福德郡的内务。Noel Gallagher is in the dressing room at Knebworth House in Hertfordshire, England.

诺伊尔想留在这一渔村,因为捕鱼可以维持其面包店的生意。Noel wants to remain in this fishing community, whose business sustained his bakery.

绿洲乐队在2009年解散,原因是诺亚尔说,他不能再和利亚姆一起合作了,所以就离开了。Oasis broke up in 2009 after Noel quit the band, saying he could no longer work with Liam.

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他来自波尔德的科罗拉多大学。They were naked, " says Noel Lenski, a historian at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

这对新情侣确实灵验了,但是Noel感觉到了他们关系的被迫与不自然之处。The new pairing does come to pass, but Noel senses the forced nature of their relationship.

费莉希蒂和一个艺术生伊莱睡了,因为害怕诺尔会与汉娜和好。Felicity sleeps with Eli, an art student, because she fears Noel will get backtogether with Hanna.