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然后我们就推广到一般完全C边及循环D边的超图。Then we generalize the mixed hypergraph with complete C-edges and circular D-edges.

引入进化超图网络对全生命周期中产品过程信息进行形式化表达。Evolution hypergraph net was introduced to formalize product process information for life cycle.

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将超图模型以及基于此的聚类算法应用到社区结构发现的领域。This paper applied the hypergraph based model and cluster algorithm in community structure discovery.

这个特性可以让你在Hypergraph快速识别出极难计算的节点。This allows you to quickly identify computationally expensive nodes just by looking at the Hypergraph.

随着超图理论的不断发展,超图理论及其应用方面的研究课题已日益增多。With the developing of hypergraph theory, the research on the theory and its applications have been increasing.

对基于多核处理器的并行计算系统中的任务分配问题,给出了一种超图模型。For task allocation problem in multi-core processor based parallel computing system, we give a hypergraph model.

该文基于超图理论提出了超图模型并将其用于空间数据挖掘。In the paper, based on hyper graph theory, a hypergraph model is proposed, which is useful for spatial data mining.

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分别采用面向对象的技术和超图理论对产品4D信息模型的表达问题进行了研究。The problem of 4D-PIM expressing is studied, making use of object-oriented technique and hypergraph theory respectively.

本文的主要目的是把空间多面体、超图与深度这三个概念综合起来,作为描述与分析空间质点系形态的基本工具。We propose to analyze the spacial conformation of particles by integrating the concepts of the convex hull, hypergraph and depth.

为实现信息的快速查询,提出了基于超图数据结构的产品4D信息数据的推理方法。For the realization of information fast query, the reasoning method of 4D product information data based on hypergraph is advanced.

由于文中基本结构聚类算法是专门针对超图数据结构设计的,其时间复杂度较低。Our clustering algorithm for basic structures is a high-efficiency method due to a good adaptability for hypergraph data structure.

作为一般图得推广,超图特别是一致超图能够更好得刻画现实生活中的问题。As a generalization of graph, Hypergraph, especially uniform hypergraph has a great application on describing problems from daily life.

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基于超图运算的推理模型具有严格的图论基础,在保持运算封闭性中能够模拟机遇发现过程。The deducting model based on hypergraph operation is on the basis of graph theory strictly, so as to simulate the chance discovery process.

随着超图理论在实际问题中的深入应用,其平面性研究也更加具有意义。Along with thorough application of the hypergraph theory into the actual problem, its planarity research also even more has the significance.

对比已有机遇发现支持技术和方法,验证了超图系统模型的支持特点和优势。Compared with the current support technology and methods of opportunity discovery, the features and advantages of hypergraph system model are validated.

图的分数着色问题是分数图论中的一个重要研究课题之一,超图作为图的推广在实际中有着广阔的应用。The issue of fractional coloring is a very important in the Fractional graph theory. Hypergraph as generalized graph has used in many fields of computer science.

本文讨论了混合超图中与4NF判定有关的理论,并在此基础上给出了一个对应的关系模式是否属于4NF的判定算法。In this paper, the theory about 4NF decision in a mixed hypergraph is discussed, and then an algorithm to decide if the relational schema belongs to 4NF is given.

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将表示电路的超图转化成带权值的无向图,从而将电路二等分问题转化成图的划分问题。The hypergraph denoting circuit is transformed into a weighted undirected graph, so the problem of circuit bisection is transformed into the graph partition problem.

本文分别详细讨论了正向混合超图和逆向混合超图中准路的分类定义及理论。In this paper, the class definition and the theory about quasi-paths in a forward mixed hypergraph and an inverse mixed hypergraph are separately discussed in detail.

在此基础上应用超图理论提出了求通信网络总可靠度的精确分解算法。Based on the state space tree method, an exact decomposition algorithm for finding communication network overall reliability is presented by applying the hypergraph theory.