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解放宣言的用意何在?What did the Emancipation Proclamation udo ?

唐“吨的饵料,您的合作与宣布”我爱你。Don"t bait your partner with the proclamation "I love you.

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如果认为决议已经剥夺了王权,那就全错了。It's totally false that the proclamation has made the king powerless.

与其说它是技术官僚的估评,倒不如说更像一种宗教文告。And it's more like a religious proclamation than a technocratic assessment.

他于一八六二年签发解放黑奴宣言,使许多黑奴获得自由。B. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which freed many slaves.

本周,他签署了一个声明授权于一月份的总统选举。This week, he signed a proclamation authorising a presidential election in January.

罗斯福婉言拒绝了胡佛要他签署一个关闭所有美国银行的联合声明的请求。Roosevelt declined Hoover’s request to sign a joint proclamation closing all U.S. banks.

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这就是我们的“对双腿的呼唤”、“不穿内裤的反叛日”、我们的“解放宣言”。Here, then, is our Call to Legs. Our No-Boxers Rebellion. Our Epantsimation Proclamation.

他遣散姬妾仆从,在圣旨到来之前,就非常“及时”地郁郁而死了。He dispersed concubines and servants, “timely” died of grief before the proclamation arrived.

市里给阿里夫妇颁发了一份奖状,奖状现在就装在镜框里,挂在餐馆的墙上。The Alis received a proclamation from the city, which now hangs framed on the restaurant’s wall.

然后在1942年,纽约城的犹太复国主义者宣称他们寻求在整个巴勒斯坦建立一个以色列国家。Then in 1942 the NYC Zionist proclamation demanding a State of Israel in the WHOLE of Palestine.

总统奥巴马指出妇女历史月在他的总统文告等不公平现象。President Obama noted such inequities in his Presidential Proclamation for Women's History Month.

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豪言一出,人人欢欣鼓舞、如释重负,连这句话至少说早两天都无暇顾及了。The proclamation was greeted with elation and relief, even if it was premature by at least two days.

第一次宣布地球日是由三藩,圣弗兰西斯市,生态保护圣斗士。The first Proclamation of Earth Day was by San Francisco the City of Saint Francis patron saint of ecology.

对纳税人欠缴税款的情况实行定期公告的办法,由国家税务总局制定。Specific measures for such regular proclamation shall be formulated by the State Administration of Taxation.

陈玉驹主席出席纽约市议会农历新年庆祝活动,并接受市议会颁发表扬状。President York Chan received a proclamation from New York City Council in their Chinese New Year celebration.

卡扎菲上校的反对者在东利比亚成立的组织举行会晤,准备发布首次正式公告。A group set up by Colonel Gaddafi’s opponents in eastern Libya has met to issue its first formal proclamation.

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在五得分年以前,一个伟大的美国人,在谁的代号遮蔽我们台子签署了释放宣言。Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

在未作出公告前不得履行收购协议。Such a report shall also be published. The purchasing agreement shall not be carried out before the proclamation.

年以前,一位伟大的美国人签署了解放宣言,我们现在就站在他象征性的庇荫中。Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. 100