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不过,powwow并非一直是会议的意思。But a powwow wasn’t always a meeting.

每年九月,公园内会举办一场祈祷仪式。Every September, there is a powwow in the park.

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印地安人舞者们邀请扶轮社员和他们的家人参与围成祈祷仪式的圈圈。Native American dancers invited Rotarians and family to join the powwow circle.

他第一次接触革命的首脑人物是他在维纳斯参加的一个党的仪式上。His first contact with revolutionary bigwigs came when he attended a Party powwow in Vienna.

我喜欢K歌,大唱乡村和西部歌曲,但我也爱印第安人的帕瓦仪式炸面包。I love singing country and western songs at karaoke, but I also love a good powwow and fry bread.

10年前,我记得曾在南加州的一个帕瓦仪式上看到一个印第安小孩驾驶他父母的悍马车。Ten years ago, I remember seeing a Native kid at a Southern California powwow driving his parents’ Hummer.

祈祷仪式是印地安人用来表彰他们传统的社交聚会,并藉由此仪式将此一传统传承下去。A powwow is a social gathering of Indian peoples to honor their heritage that has been passed down through generations.

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比如,徒步去观察药物或是食用植物,或是研究当地原住民的医术。For example, take ahike and focus only on medicinal or edible plants, or research and attend alocal Native American powwow.

在每年七月的最后一个周末,犹他州的迪歇纳堡都会举办这个仪式来庆祝土著们对美国作出的贡献。Held at Fort Duchesne, Utah, every 4th of July weekend, the Powwow celebrates Native Americans' contributions to the United States of America.

据我了解,powwow作为会议的含义较为多见,不过我偶尔也听到,一些北美印第安人的节日也叫powwow。In my experience this meaning of powwow is fairly common although I do hear from time to time native North American Indian festivals called powwows as well.