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文档泛滥。Documentation inundation.

您有文档吗?Do you have documentation?

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数据重处理的文件。Documentation for reintegrated data.

我们的第一个话题是,没有文档资料。Like the first one, no documentation.

过度详细的设计文档。Overly-detailed design documentation.

文档编制和会话式用法Documentation and conversational usage

如果是,则需要何文件?If so, what documentation is required?

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让用例带动用户文档。Let use cases drive user documentation

它还包括详尽的文档。It also includes extensive documentation.

过度详细的需求文档。Overly-detailed requirements documentation.

建立赛科的事故档案。Setup documentation of all SECCO incidents.

多阅读与你所用的工具相关的文档。Read the documentation of the tools you use.

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商务会议的书面内容记录。Written documentation of a business meeting.

产品文档非常丰富也很好。The documentation is abundant and quite good.

将这个文档插件添加到工具箱中。Add the documentation plug-in to your toolkit.

就代码级别的文档理念展开。Build out this idea of code-level documentation.

保证图纸文件的接收整理。Shall ensure documentation of drawings received.

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不过这些文档还是非常齐全的。However, the documentation is reasonably complete.

如有需要,本处得要求台端提供别的文件。You may be asked to provide further documentation.

编写代码文档资料几乎总是一项令人畏惧的任务。Code documentation is almost always a dreaded task.