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那家工厂倒了。That factory has gone bankrupt.

他买下一家破产的公司。He bought up a bankrupt company.

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你真的是道德败坏。You are really morally bankrupt.

您是否因破产而未脱离穷籍?。Are you an undischarged bankrupt?

敌人的计谋破产了。The enemy's scheme went bankrupt.

谁在乎他是个倒霉的破产者啊?Who cares if he is a damn bankrupt ?

公司被法院宣告破产。The company was adjudicated bankrupt.

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他被宣判或宣布破产。He is adjudicate or declared bankrupt.

那名大亨濒临破产的边缘。The biggie is on the edge of bankrupt.

他被宣判或宣布破产。He was adjudicated or declared bankrupt.

简断截说,我们破产了。To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt.

而且这些公司大多数已破产。And most of those companies were bankrupt.

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结果,克莱科公司在1988年就破产了。As a result, Coleco went bankrupt in 1988.

法庭宣判那家公司破产。The court adjudicated the company bankrupt.

东星航空公司因负债过重宣布破产。Debt-laden East Star Airlines goes bankrupt.

这名政客名誉扫地。The politician became bankrupt in reputation.

百事因为第一次世界大战破产了。Meanwhile, Pepsi went bankrupt because of WWI.

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直到周一早晨,明摆着的,我们破产了。By Monday morning, it was clear we were bankrupt.

尽管试图让美国反兴奋剂机构破产并且破坏他们。Despite trying to bankrupt USADA and destroy them.

这就是邮件,这个导致我再次破产的东西。That's email and that's why I am yet again bankrupt.