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她想独占他的时间。She tried to monopolize his time.

实物期权具有先占性和非独占性。Real option has personal and monopolize.

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别光是我一个人说话。E. g. Don't let me monopolize the conversation.

逛暗娼他也想独占,因为他有钱。Even in brothels he wanted to monopolize because he had money.

如果我们强强联合,几乎就能垄断整个市场了。If we join together, we can almost monopolize the whole market.

他们垄断政治,排斥庶族寒门。They monopolize politics, repel commoners my impoverished family.

阿败家子将允许少数人垄断了她的注意。A spendthrift will allow a few people to monopolize her attention.

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为了能够掌权,他不惜使用各种卑劣手段。In order to monopolize power, he does not hesitate to use every mean trick.

伊战后,美虽欲独占伊重建市场,但可能性不大。S wants to monopolize Iraqi reconstruction market and the possibility is very small.

西方国家的人权话语垄断是完全经不起推敲的。The West has no grounds to monopolize the rights of speech in terms of human rights.

跟他们说你很愿意跟他们聊天,但是你不能一直占用他们的时间。Tell them you’ve really enjoyed chatting with them, but you don’t want to monopolize them.

公司自创建以来得到了各界的鼎力支持,有着十年专营无缝管的销售经验。Our company has the sales experience to monopolize the seamless tube for more than ten years.

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没有任何客户可以垄断你的时间,即便是他们认为给的钱很多。No one client has the right to monopolize your time, even if they do think they are paying well.

伊战后,美虽欲独占伊重建市场,但可能性不大。After Iraq War, the U. S wants to monopolize Iraqi reconstruction market and the possibility is very small.

司法不公、腐败、行业垄断等都是规则不平等的表现,这些都极大地影响了效率。Judicature unjust, corruption and calling monopolize etc. all damage the regulation-equality and efficiency.

在印刷时代,企业开始垄断某些专门技术,比如枪械的制作,或者炼钢。In the age of printing, corporations arose to monopolize certain expertise like gunsmithing, or making steel.

总体而言,政府管制需求主要导源于自然垄断性与外部性这两大类问题。To sum up, the demand of government control originates from two kinds of problem of natural monopolize and exterior.

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换句话说,以“我是老板”的心态看待自己的工作,老板在与下属的讨论中往往表现得自以为是。In other words, bosses that view their jobs in terms of "I'm the boss!" tend to monopolize discussions with their staff.

使垄断或者试图垄断一个市场成为非法的,并禁止会导致垄断的共谋。Makes it illegal to monopolize or attempt to monopolize a market and prohibits conspiracies that result in monopolization.

显然,通过网站帮助家庭成员保持联系是许多公司都急于独占的一个创意。Naturally, this idea of helping families stay in touch through a Web site is one which many companies are anxious to monopolize.