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且富含骨胶原可延缓衰老。Rich in collagen, anti aging.

防堵性能好。Anti blocking performance is good.

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我只是可以信任的反病毒查杀。And i just can trust avira anti virus.

我们应发起扫黄运动。We should launch an anti porn campaign.

因此,防垢是非常必要的。Therefore, anti scaling is very necessary.

的平均防病毒是免费的,而且易于使用。The AVG Anti Virus is free and easy to use.

提示,健脑益肾冲剂具有一定的抗脑衰作用。So it has certain anti senile effect in brain.

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使用于HDG防静电全钢高架活动地板。It can be used for HDG anti static raised floor.

机壳外饰防静电塑材。Shell decoration and anti static plastic material.

具有良好的极压性及抗微动磨损性。Having good extreme pressure and anti fretting wear.

天冬酰胺酶具有显著的抗肿瘤作用。L asparaginase is a very effective anti tumor agent.

具有防尘性、抗静电极佳的毛刷封闭系。With dust, anti brush excellent static closed system.

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荷塘的四面,远远近近,高高低低都是树,几而杨柳最多。Around the pond, far anti near, high and low, are trees.

但是他们认为他骨子里是反对企业的。But they all thought he was, at his core, anti business.

如果卧室房间不大,也可满铺地毯。If bedroom stanza the anti is big, also full spread rug.

但是这就像赞成或反对某些事情一样简单。But that it were as simple as being pro or anti something.

因此,抵抗衰老这一概念总体上有点用词不当。So, the whole concept of anti aging is a bit of a misnomer.

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压缩机在启动时防喘振阀全开。Compressors are run up with the anti surge valve fully open.

这种免疫反应可被抗CR1完全阻断。The immune reaction was completely interdicted by anti CR1 mAb.

这是一篇反印度的文章。印度至少会排第一名。This is anti India article. India's rank will be at least No. 1