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万念俱灰。All ambitions are blasted.

滚吧,你这个该死的白痴!Beat it, you blasted idiot!

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他们还朝一个尖塔开了炮。They blasted a minaret too.

开着混账空调呢!The blasted air-conditioning!

法官猛烈抨击他的批评者。The judge blasted his critics.

她提供的事实证实那证词是假的。Her facts blasted the evidence.

农作物被霜冻毁了。The crops were blasted by frost.

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他们把她送进一间黑屋子。They blasted her into a black room.

电视里高声播放着音乐。Music blasted out from the television.

一枚火箭把一名宇航员送入太空。A rocket blasted a spaceman into space.

她猛烈抨击他的虚伪的理想主义。She blasted away at his false idealism.

杰克击出一个本垒打,使比赛打成平局。Jack blasted a homer that tied the game.

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女仆受到其上司的严责。The servant girl was blasted by her boss.

她激烈批评使他承认自己的错误。She blasted to make him admit his mistake.

狂风刮得树木枯萎了。The heavy winds blasted through the trees.

右撇子击球手把球打到左外野。The batter blasted the ball to right field.

帐篷外,机关枪突然嘟嘟嘟地响起来。A machine gun blasted just outside the tent.

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两名宇航员被发射到太空。The two spacemen were blasted off into space.

出租车司机不停地按喇叭。The taxi-driver blasted the horn continuously.

精神被摧毁,年轻的希望枯萎With spirit shipwrecked, and young hopes blasted