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你说什么了么?小霞?Did you say something, Misty?

这是个多雾的季节。E. g. This is a misty season.

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轻雾流年的影子。The shadows of misty yesteryears.

迷蒙的冰河开冻了。The misty river of ice was thawing.

清秋烟雨,情满九州。A misty rain, feeling full of kyushu.

秋风吹过烟雨楼。Fall breeze blow misty rain building.

米斯迪在教室的时候没有学生打盹。No child dozed with Misty in the room.

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朦胧诗呈现出个人化倾向。Misty poetry presents personal element.

霏霏烟雨,迷失了方向。Misty rain started falling, lost its way.

提供新闻和文章迷蒙。Provider of news and articles about misty.

昨天下午又冷又有雾。Yesterday afternoon set in misty and cold.

米斯蒂•迪马尔斯是一位有着两个年幼儿子的母亲。Misty DeMars is a mother of two young boys.

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有雾的早晨并不代表就是阴天。A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day.

在那朦胧的月光下,泪水涌出我的眼睛。Misty taste of moonshine, tear-drop in my eye.

你想起又白、又暖、又阴的日子。You bring to mind those white, warm, misty hours.

他吐着寂寞的烟卷,飘渺的烟雾随风而散。He spat at the lonely cigarette, misty smoke wind.

我曾蹒跚在那十二座雾海云山之中。I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains.

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米丝蒂-梅是职业沙滩排球选手。Misty May is a professional beach volleyball player.

睫毛下是一对黑而深的斜瞳。Under the eyelashes is a pair of misty black pupils.

细雨蒙蒙的雨夜,烟雾弥漫在路灯下。Rain misty rainy night, under the street light smoke.