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现在这个神秘的时刻正要到来。And now the witching hour is upon us.

此刻我拥有大地。施展巫术的时辰。Now I own the earth The witching hour.

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伴随着周五的日子接近午夜翻两番昏迷。With Friday's quadruple witching day being near comatose.

一起做晚餐,半夜三更给她温暖?Making a dinner together and have one frozen to save on the witching hour?

每个房间都将考验她的魔力的技能,以及更多的物品,她认为,她的速度将达到她的目标。Every room will test her witching skills, and the more items she finds, the faster she will reach her goal.

洪博培的候备竞选团把这个时间称为“魔力时刻”。Huntsman's ambassadorship does not end until midnight Saturday, known as 'the witching hour' to Team Huntsman.

对青年学习者来说,技术只能神奇地,改变课堂教育的形式。For the school-age, technology provides just extraordinary opportunities for witching what goes on in the classroom.

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我用饥渴的耳朵倾听着,但是已经听不见军号隐约吹出的起床号那迷人的曲调,听不见遥远的战鼓发出震耳的长鸣。I listen vainly, but with thirsty ear, for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille, of far drums beating the long roll.

我尽力但徒然地倾听,渴望听到军号吹奏起床导对那微弱而迷人的旋律,以及远处战鼓急促敲击的动人节奏。I listen vainly, but with thirsty ears, for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille, of far drums beating the long roll.

我尽力但徒然地倾听,渴望听到军号吹奏起床那微弱而迷人的旋律,以及远处战鼓急促敲击的动人节奏。I listen vainly , but with thirsty ears, for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille, of far drums beating the long roll.

股指期货,股指期权,单只股票期权和期货全部同一天到期的日子。Quadruple witching is similar to triple witching, which only includes the expirations of index futures, index options, and stock options.

股指期货,股指期权,单只股票期权和期货全部同一天到期的日子。Quadruple witching refers to when market index futures, market index options, stock options, and stock futures all expire on the same day.

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为了解决切换多模型预测控制的抖动问题,提出了加权多模型模糊预测控制。To solve the problem of perturbation of witching multi-model predictive control, weighted multi-model fuzzy predictive control is put forward.

他的作品显示出他不寻常的能力,能把温柔和几乎像女人一样的感情,与有魔法的对奇怪、超自然的恐怖、鬼和灵魂的描述,结合起来。His work reveals his unusual power of combining tender, almost womanly sentiment with witching descriptions of strange, supernatural terrors, of ghosts and spirits.

周一的低成交量下跌清除了市场中过分的乐观情绪,并为本周五“四重魔力日”之前的复苏行情打下了基础。Monday's light volume selloff had helped remove the excessive optimism in the market and setting the stage for a recovery rally going into this Friday quadruple witching.

在主要期权周四和周五到期前市场成交清淡.这两天有四种不同的期权和期货到期,被成为"四巫聚首日".Volume has been thin ahead of key options expirations on Thursday and Friday, when four different types of options and futures contracts expire in a convergence known as "quadruple witching."

触头烧损故障后,不及时诊断会导致触头接触面积减小,接触电阻增加,切换过程产生的电弧及发热增加,使切换触头进一步烧损,。If contact burning fault diagnosis is not timely, the decreasing contact area, increasing contact resistance and the increasing arc and heat during the witching processes will cause further burning.