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据说他攀法接近佤联军。He is reportedly close to the UWSA.

报告说大约70只土罐已经被盗走。Around 70 amphoras were reportedly taken.

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该教师据报曾袭击一名学生。The teacher reportedly assaulted a student.

据说他妈妈看到奥尔蒂斯呕吐。His mother reportedly saw Ortiz throwing up.

期位督教教士,传助情侣。Churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.

据报道以前的刽子手已于2005年离职。The previous hangman reportedly quit in 2005.

据报道说Biome只有875磅重。The Biome reportedly would weigh only 875 lbs.

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另据报导,至少55人已经丧生。At least 55 people reportedly have been killed.

据报导,溥任膝下有三子二女。He reportedly had three sons and two daughters.

据说计划之一是一支会爆炸的雪茄。An exploding cigar was reportedly one of the plans.

据报导,他们当时还穿着军服。They were also reportedly wearing military uniforms.

据报道,他们正在平壤接受审问。They are reportedly under interrogation in Pyongyang.

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据报道称,猪比猫狗更适于训练为人的助手。Pigs are reportedly more trainable than dogs and cats.

据报道,87岁的陈廷骅患有老年痴呆症。The 87-year old Chen reportedly suffers from dementia.

据报道,天津更倾向于兴建海水淡化厂。Tianjin reportedly prefers to build salination plants.

据报道,伊朗对S-400感兴趣。Iran has been reportedly showing interest in the S-400.

合成的假米即使煮熟后也保持一定硬度。The rice reportedly stays hard even after being cooked.

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据悉,该影片由他自编、自演。He reportedly will write the movie and have a role in it.

四面佛集会地点周围的道路据说关闭。Roads surrounding the rally sites were reportedly closed.

据报道一个加拿大妇女沉痛的吸收了教训。A Canadian woman reportedly learned her lesson the hard way.