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她是湿婆的配偶。She is the consort of Shiva.

矜持兴贫穷不两立。Pride does not consort with poverty.

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他言行不一。His practice does not consort with his preaching.

一个人应结交能与之学习之人。One should consort with those one can learn from.

这支小交响乐队与一群六弦提琴师同台献艺。The Sinfonietta shares the stage with a consort of viols.

巴比伦的黎明女神,太阳神的配偶。Aja The Babylonian dawn goddess and consort of the sun god.

年,埃莉诺嫁给了法兰西国王路易七世。Eleanor became Queen Consort to Louis VII of France in 1137.

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湿婆的配偶,我听过你的名字,是我们的恐惧破坏者。Thy name, I have heard, O Consort of iva , is the destroyer of our fear.

据说王妃手上佩戴的玉镯是价值连城的宝物。It is said that the jade bracelet the princess consort wears is invaluable.

庆典时,王妃脖子里戴着价值连城的璎珞。The princess consort is wearing an invaluable necklace during the celebration.

公众接受了作为前任情妇的卡米拉成为查尔斯王子的新配偶。The public has accepted Camilla, Prince Charles’s former mistress, as his consort.

他的配偶必须有能力举办皇室宴会,有能力与政界要人洽谈共饮。His consort needs to be able to host royal dinners and hobnob with oligarchs and dictators.

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因此她逃离皇宫而进入尼院,并于该处遇见莲师且成为其在印度的佛母。So she ran away to join a nunnery, where she met Guru Rinpoche and became his Indian consort.

交配后继续逗留的雄蜘蛛有葬身其配偶之口的危险,因此立刻抽身而退更为明智。Making straight for the door is much wiser, since he who hangs around risks being eaten by his consort.

总体来说撒切尔的家庭生活是很和谐的,丹尼斯是快活的,很支持撒切尔夫人。By all accounts the Thatcher family is a close-knit foursome, and Husband Denis is a cheery, supportive consort.

她被认为是一些最初的女神和观音菩萨的女性偶像或性伴侣。She is considered by some to be the original Tara and is the female consort or sexual partner of Avalokitesvara.

按照传说故事,意大利国王乌伯托和他的妻子玛格丽特王后就访了这个地区。According to the story, the Italian monarch King Umberto and his consort , Queen Margherita, were touring the area.

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与喇嘛教中的师父弟子关系相同,奥姆真理教的学员也必须给“上师”献“智慧女”。The offering up of the wisdom consort to the guru necessary in the high tantras was likewise practiced by the AUM sect.

于是阿莱克斯塔萨的配偶,考雷斯塔兹将龙蛋的事告诉了达拉然议会。Instead, Alexstrasza's consort Korialstrasz whispered of the twilight eggs to his allies among Dalaran's Council of Six.

在殿前有一对400年的夫妻古松,被称作连理枝,它象征了皇上和皇后的和谐融洽,百年好和。In front of the hall, there is a pair of 400 years old consort pines, symbolizing the harmony of the emperor and empress.