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这幅梦幻般的照片下面掩盖着悲剧。This dreamlike photo belies tragedy.

想给孩子们一个梦幻般的世界吗?Want to give the children a dreamlike world?

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归来后命名为“那年那月的梦幻之旅”。And I named it "The Dreamlike Tour That Year That Month".

甚至那些壮观的建筑物与一些梦一般的颜色一起增加。Even those grand buildings are added with some dreamlike colors.

只有在这里,您才能看到梦境中的月色荷塘。Only here can you find the dreamlike moonlight over the lotus pond.

摇晃能让孩子进入梦乡,也能将我们引人一种平静的、梦幻般的心境。It puts our children to sleep and lulls us into a calm, dreamlike state.

但是该项研究表明,梦一般的睡眠在快速眼动之前就有了。But the study shows that dreamlike sleep develops before rapid eye movements.

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文言梦幻小说是明清小说的重要组成部分。The classical dreamlike novel is an important part of the Ming and Qing novels.

我们怎么能认为自己惊醒从梦想和我们的环境梦?How can we consider ourselves awakened from a dream and our environment dreamlike ?

然而,在过了三年并有了孩子之后,这段梦幻般的婚姻开始破裂了。However, after three years and one child the dreamlike marriage came smashing down.

它是一个有着梦一般美景和独一无二的风土人情的著名风景区。It is widely known as a wonderland with dreamlike sceneries and unique folk customs.

在那,有瓦片镶嵌的手工流体方案,酒吧就座落在这定型了的波状梦幻境界之中。There the bar, hand-tiled in aqueous mosaics, sits in the dreamlike state of a frozen wave.

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她记得梦一般的脱衣的程序,然后两人赤裸裸躺在床上。She remembered the dreamlike sequence of clothes coming off and the two of them naked in bed.

透过梦幻般晶石光辉的映视,我们的世界浪漫如阳光弥漫。The dreamlike light of crystals set off our world most romantic like the sunshine penetrates.

在这作梦似的疯狂行列之中,他们一面抬着他走,一面逢人便指指他,互相拥抱。In wild dreamlike procession, embracing whom they MET and pointing him out, they carried him on.

在这色彩缤纷、恍如梦境的村庄,这些外面世界的来客毫不吝啬地用“人间仙境”来形容它。In this dreamlike setting, these outsiders unequivocally proclaim the area as the paradise on earth.

还有一个叫幻想世界,引领游客们进人迪斯尼影片中有名的梦幻世界。Still another, Fantasyland, takes the visitor into the dreamlike worlds made famous by Disney films.

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让我们拍去岁末的风尘,满怀激情,无限憧憬,来迎接新一年的旅程。Let's say good-bye to the past year, welcome a hopeful and dreamlike new year with outstretched arms.

他的文章主要分析电影中的梦幻般矩阵世界。His essay offers an analysis of the film that focuses on the dreamlike nature of the world of the Matrix.

水兵们称这里为“曾科的洞穴”。每次进入洞内,曾科都会被她如梦似幻的壮观气势所深深震撼。The sailors called it Zenko's Cave, and the dreamlike splendor of the cavern always took his breath away.