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这有点赘述。This is tautology.

这项声明是一种赘述。That statement is a tautology.

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一个同义反复的进化时间?A tautology that evolves in time?

这是另一种必需的赘言吗?Is this yet another necessary tautology?

应用于重言式和矛盾式。Application of this to tautology and contradiction.

每个重言式本身表明它是一个重言式。Every tautology itself shows that it is a tautology.

人们通常认为,闭合论是重言式。People usually think that closure theory is tautology.

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现代旳逻辑学家仅仅把它看作同义反复。Modern logicians regard it as little more than tautology.

说某样东西“足够够用了”就是一个同义反复。To say that something is 'adequate enough' is a tautology.

“他勇敢或他并非不勇敢”是一种同义反复。The statement He is brave or he is not brave is a tautology.

在其他的情形中,新古典的解释只不过是同义反复。In other cases, new classical interpretation is only tautology.

同语的理解需要运用转喻推理。The interpretation of nominal tautology requires metonymic reasoning.

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众所周知,在古典逻辑中,逆否对称性是永真公式。As we know, contrapositive symmetry is the tautology in classical logic.

“证明这个定理”就是要证明这个蕴涵式是一个重言式。To "prove the theorem" means to show that the implication is a tautology.

确实如此,实际上,同义反复是稳定系统的精华成分。It's real. Tautology is, in fact, an essential ingredient of stable systems.

某些命题对于变元后的任何一种真值状况,它均为真,这样的命题称为重言式。Some propositions are true for any truth value of their variables. Such propositions are called tautology.

对于搬家的讲究还有很多,不仅仅包括挑选搬家公司,这里就不一一赘述了。For pay attention to have a lot of moving, not only including the selection of moving company, here is a tautology.

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在一定程度上说这种模式是有益的,但从实践中运用来看,大多情况是重复出现的。That model is useful to a certain extent, but the way I’ve seen it used in practice, it mostly becomes a tautology.

同义反复是从哲学借过来的一个术语,它所描述的是一个真值始终为真的命题。Tautology is a term borrowed from philosophy, where it describes an argument in which the only possible truth condition is "true".

重言式理论是各多值逻辑系统的一个重要组成部分。At the last, discussed the relations of the tautology between Lukasiewicz many valued logic system and classical two valued system.