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能否根除雅司病?Can yaws be eradicated?

每年都会出现新的雅司病病例。New cases of yaws appear every year.

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没有疫苗能够预防雅司病。There is no vaccine to prevent Yaws.

最近,印度也根除了雅司病。More recently, India has also eliminated yaws.

目前不清楚美洲是否仍存在雅司病病例。It is unclear if cases of yaws still occur in the Americas.

在东南亚地区,目标是到2012年根除雅司病。In the south-east Asia region, the aim is to eradicate yaws by 2012.

1950年至1970年期间,世卫组织和联合国儿童基金会在46个国家领导了一场世界范围控制雅司病运动。Between 1950 and 1970, WHO and UNICEF led a worldwide campaign to control yaws in 46 countries.

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专家们认为雅司病很容易得到控制并可能被根除,因为Experts believe that yaws can easily be controlled and possibly eradicated for the following reasons

专家认为,由于人类是唯一的感染贮主,雅司病可以得到治疗和最终根除。Experts believe that yaws can be eliminated and eventually eradicated because humans are the only reservoir of infection.

他们发现那与梅毒性质最靠近的是南美洲变体,一种精经由皮肤接触和热及潮湿区域传布的疾病。They found that syphilis's closest kin were South American variants of yaws , a disease spread by skin contact and limited to hot and humid areas.

然而,该规划取得巨大成功后,未能持续监测雅司病,导致雅司病在21世纪卷土重来。However, after the programme's enormous success, sustained surveillance of yaws diminished, which has now given way to its resurgence in the 21st century.

雅司病是通过皮肤接触或通过便于螺杆菌侵入的外伤或叮咬导致的皮肤破损在人际间传播的。Yaws is transmitted from person to person via skin contact or through breaks in the skin caused by injuries or bites which allow the spiral bacteria to penetrate.

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致病微生物是一种被称作雅司螺旋体的细菌,它是引起性病梅毒的梅毒螺旋体的一个亚种。The causative organism is a bacterium called Treponema pertenue, a subspecies of Treponema pallidum that causes venereal syphilis. However, yaws is a non-venereal infection.

对雅司病没有专门的血液检测,但由于它与引起梅毒的细菌密切相关,所以针对梅毒的血液检测也有助于诊断雅司病。There is no specific blood test for yaws, but because it is closely related to the bacterium that causes syphilis, the blood tests for syphilis are diagnostic in yaws as well.