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穿越。时间和记忆的相互穿越。Intercrossing. Time and memory intercross each other.

纬度与经度交叉,我们可能一再错失某个点。The intercross of latitudes and longitudes, we may slip some points again.

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这是一门年轻的充满朝气与希望的交叉学科。This is a young and intercross subject, full of youthful spirit and expectation.

实现的引导装载程序采用模块化思想,分为基本引导模块和交互模块来实现两部分功能。The bootloader is designed to two modules, boot module and intercross module, to support two parts of functions.

天然富勒烯的研究是富勒烯科学和地质科学相交叉的一个新兴的研究领域,是当前的研究热点之一。The study of natural Fullerenes is a new study field of intercross of Fullerenes science and geological science.

自利与利他均具有复杂性,而更为复杂的,还在于自利与利他的相互交叉。Selfishness and Altruism are both complicated. That the two intercross each other makes things much more complicated.

给水排水工程为工程学科门类,是多学科互相交叉形成的一门学科。Watersupply and drainage engineering is sorted out engineering discipline, and it is a field of intercross multi-discipline.

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计算机技术和一些交叉学科的发展,给水文模拟的研究方法带来了根本性的变化。With the development of computer technology and intercross subjects, the methods of hydrology simulation have great advances.

园艺疗法起源于17世纪末,是一门集园艺、医学、心理学为一体的交叉性边缘学科。Horticultural therapy, originated at the end of 17th century, is an intercross subject including horticulture, medicine and psychology.

计算力学与断裂力学学科相互交叉、相互渗透便产生了断裂力学新分支计算断裂力学。Computational mechanics and fracture mechanics intercross and give birth to a new branch of fracture mechanics-the computational fracture mechanics.

近年来随着量子理论研究的发展,出现了博弈论与量子物理的新兴交叉学科——量子博弈论。In recent years, for the development of quantum physics, a new intercross area of game theory and quantum physics had born, that is quantum game theory.

它是一门交叉学科,涉及机器学习、数学规划、数理统计、模式识别等相关技术。It involves a lot of intercross subjects and technologies such as machine learning, mathematical programming, statistics, pattern recognition and so on.

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这种豪华摆动幕可以横向、纵向转到任何你需要的位置,屏幕反面的交叉支撑方式保证银幕的平整性。The deluxe screen can be adjussted horizontally and vertically to any location needed. The intercross support frame prevents screen surfaces from wrinkles.

目前,应大力促进核科学技术与环境科学的相互渗透和交叉,进一步提高这一跨学科领域的水。It shows that we should energetically promote the interpenetrating and intercross between nuclear technology and environment science to improve the level of.

结果表明,得到的等值线符合一般等值线的特点,不会产生边缘交叉等问题。The result of the connection shows that the gained contours are consistent with common contours and will not result in the problem of intercross on the edge.

土地复垦工作是矿区区域可持续发展的基础,也是一门综合性的交叉学科,涉及面广,影响范围大。Land reclaiming work is the foundation for sustainable development of mining area, also a comprehensive, wideinvolving, extansiveinfluence intercross studies.

并行CAPP具有过程集成的特点,其相关过程交错同步,循序渐进地赵于完善。With intercross concurrent of the related process and being increasing and orderly to the perfection, concurrent CAPP owns the characteristics of process set.

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微尺度力学和MEMS系统中的低维材料性能研究是当今国际多学科交叉研究的热门课题。The study about tiny scale mechanics and material performance in MEMS system today is a hot topic in the intercross investigation among many international subject.

随着科学发展的分支化趋势和综合化趋势的加强,各学科之间的交叉性和渗透性达到前所未有的程度。Along with the strengthened science development of embranchment and integration trend, the nature of intercross and penetration among subjects has achieve a new degree.

本算法采用的遗传编码不含工人和机床设备的信息,使得染色体的交叉和变异容易操作,节省了计算时间。The proposed encoding does not include the information of workers and machines, so it is easily to intercross and mutate between chromosomes and spare computational time.