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买卖兴隆。The business is brisk.

他要她活泼起来。He wants to brisk her up.

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空气里洋溢着一片轻松愉快的气氛。A brisk gayety was in the air.

一阵轻快的风使帆鼓起来了。A brisk wind swelled the sails.

购销两旺。Both purchasing and marketing are brisk.

他是闪耀亚洲的“动感舞王”!He is a brisk dancer shining around Asia!

要是你走出去,轻松散一会儿步,又怎么样?What if you went outside for a brisk walk?

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轻快的按摩能恢复体力。A brisk massage restores the body's vigour.

寒冷干燥的西北风横扫了这个城市。A brisk northwest wind swept across the city.

在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating.

我得快步走才能赶上她的节奏。I had to hurry to keep up with her brisk pace.

我的眼睛不觉在秋季清朗的风中湿润发热。My wet eyes felt warm in the brisk autumn wind.

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零售商么希望振兴节后市场销售。Retailers are hoping for brisk post-holiday sales.

然而,在今年的电影节上,独立电影销量又一度蹿升。Yet sales at film festivals this year have been brisk.

清真寺后面的清真小吃排档生意红红火火。Behind the mosque, halal snack stalls do brisk business.

在一个短暂时间内,它是一次迈向未来的轻快漫步。It was, for a brief time, a brisk stroll into the future.

当我们开始跑步的时候,通常是从快步走开始。When we go for a run, we usually start with a brisk walk.

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薄伽丘的散文是轻快活泼的,在这个意义上,说他的散文是“现代的”。Boccaccio's prose is "modern" in the sense that it is brisk.

但现在这一群绅士以轻快的慢跑统统行动起来了。But by now -the whole party was moving off at a brisk canter.

报道说,中国的宠物店生意兴隆Chinese pet shops are reporting a brisk trade in the animals.