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无以规矩,不成方圆。No set rules, not a radius.

里脊面小半径。Filet surfaces with small radius.

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在原角处做一个相切的角度。Match cut on an angle to a radius.

菜单选择滤镜——高斯模糊——半径70px.复制这个图层。Radius 70px. Duplicate the color layer.

这是原子半径和原子序数。Here is atomic radius versus atomic number.

而这个量被叫做,Bohr,半径。And this quantity is termed the Bohr radius.

发觉30呎半径内的毒素。Poison Sense. Sense poison in 30-ft. radius.

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我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。We can compute the circular area with radius.

你看到半径是高的,然后下降。You see the radius is high and then it falls.

有波尔半径在第24个。There is the Bohr radius down there, number 24.

盟军M10坦克歼击车转弯半径增加。Allied M10 Tank Destroyer turn radius increased.

通常多采用俯仰臂架的方法来实现工作幅度的改变。It changes working radius usually by luffing jib.

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梁弯曲成半径为R的园形形状。The beam bends to a circular profile of radius R.

英军卡车获得小范围的反伪装能力。British trucks have a small camo detection radius.

如使用低-低剖面,半径减少为约370千米。If use LO-LO section, the radius is down to 370km.

双拐角路缘。可指定拐角的半径。Double corner curb. Corner radius can be specified.

首先是轨道半径。Let's look first of all at the radius of the orbit.

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惰性气体元素的原子半径特别大吗?。Is the Atomic Radius of Noble Gases Large Specially?

他们在距离商场5英里的范围内送货上门。They deliver to within a 5-mile radius of the store.

这样,细孔的半径平均值便可计算出来。In this way an average pore radius can be calculated.