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而且瑜珈和柔术是很相似的。Also yoga is very similar to contortion.

孩子们对小丑夸张扭曲的身体惊叹不已。The children were awed by the exaggerated contortion of the clown's body.

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此后,她已经扭曲加上她的艺术造型与摄影。Since then she has combined her art of contortion with modelling and photography.

性暴力事件揭示了战争对人性的极端扭曲。The incidents of sexual violence laid bare the horrible contortion of human nature inflicted by war.

下面我们请出中国杂技团的演员为我们送上令人震撼的柔术表演。Anyway, Let's invite the performances of Chinese Acrobatics Troupe again to show us the fabulous Contortion.

输尿管狭窄、扭曲、术中出现结石移位是影响手术结果的重要因素。Ureter straitness, contortion and stone transferring are of important factors influencing on operation outcome.

使用泡沫轴很简单,但是要让它对身体一些部位的起到锻炼作用还需要一些练习和身体的柔韧性。Using a foam roller is simple, but working some areas may take a bit of practice and some body contortion. You start by finding a relatively open area with some floor space.

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然后他猛然俯下身去,变成我能认得出的那种蜷伏的姿势,他愉快的微笑越笑越开,慢慢张大着嘴,最终那不再是一个微笑,而是歪曲着嘴唇露出牙齿的姿势,他的牙齿全部露了出来,闪耀着光。Then he slumped forward, into a crouch I recognized, and his pleasant smile slowly widened, grew, till it wasn't a smile at all but a contortion of teeth, exposed and glistening.

拖延行为的本质在于不去干那些你认为你应该干的事情,这种思想的扭曲导致了这种习惯给人们带来的巨大的心灵负担。The essence of procrastination lies in not doing what you think you should be doing, a mental contortion that surely accounts for the great psychic toll the habit takes on people.

人体的扭曲与迭加,令人惊奇甚至厌恶的红色嘴唇,直接地表达了死亡的快感以及打破一切后希望的到来。The contortion and overlapping of bodies, the stunning and even abhorrent red lips, they all directly express the piquancy of death and the arrival of hope after breaking everything.

无处不在的红色以及黄、蓝等原色,加之黑白的冲突,以及人体的扭曲,使得作品看起来充满了危险的张力。The omnipresent prime colors of red, yellow and white combined with the conflict between black and white as well as the contortion of human bodies, give the picture a dangerous tension.