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Jive的这个例子很常见。Jive is not an uncommon example.

请问现在最好的论坛原代码是哪的?Jive is good. But it may not the best.

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他们安了自动点唱机后,我在那儿学会了跳摇摆舞。I learnt to jive there when they got the jukebox.

别给我胡诌,我知道你昨晚在哪里。也可以作名词。Don't try to jive me, I know where you were last night.

据说吉特巴舞的前身是摇滚舞。It's said that the mother of the jitterbug is the jive.

我们在上个月Jive发布他们的开发SDK的时候提到了这个趋势。We covered this trend when Jive released its development SDK last month.

这种风格的开发与共享服务的概念一点也不沾边。This style of development doesn't jive with the concept of shared services.

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为此,布兰妮的唱片公司解释说这是一首相同的歌曲,不过新的版本中可能会加入一些不同的混音效果。Her label, Jive Records, tells us it's the same song, but it might be a different mix.

了解如何在这免费的视频在摇摆舞的基本步法拉丁舞课。Learn how to do the basic footwork in jive dancing in this free video Latin dance lesson.

了解如何在此免费视频分离步骤中摇摆舞拉丁舞课的人。Learn how to do separation steps for men in jive dancing in this free video Latin dance lesson.

那么这与用N表示法所,得出的结论是否一致呢?Now, does this jive with our little asymptotic claim here, our little analysis with N notation?

了解如何在此免费视频在男子腋下又摇摆舞舞蹈拉丁舞课。Learn how to do the underarm turn for men in jive dancing in this free video Latin dance lesson.

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到2011年年底,每家社交型企业都将拥有一个像Jive描述的那样的应用商店。By the end of 2011, every social enterprise vendor will have a store like the one promised by Jive.

了解如何在这个免费视频的女士们在摇摆舞拉丁舞课腋下转。Learn how to do the underarm turn for ladies in jive dancing in this free video Latin dance lesson.

学会如何与你的伴侣在这一个点转向免费视频拉丁舞蹈课的摇摆舞。Learn how to do a spot turn with your partner in jive dancing in this free video Latin dance lesson.

了解如何在此免费视频分离和当场打开步骤摇摆舞拉丁舞课。Learn how to do separation and spot turn steps in jive dancing in this free video Latin dance lesson.

天天晚上,他都要把他的晶体管收音机抱到床上,听本地电台的音乐节目主持人谈论摇摆乐。At night he would take a transistor radio to bed where he listened to the local jive -talking deejays.

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了解如何在此免费视频在摇摆乐与舞伴跳拉丁舞的基本步法教训。Learn how to do the basic footwork with a partner in jive dancing in this free video Latin dance lesson.

很多选手需要投入更多的精力在牛仔舞上,因为他们没有遵守这牛仔舞蹈音乐的节拍。Many couples need to pay more attention to Jive as they fail to adhere to the musical timing of the dance.

同样,Jive在运营自己的程序商店同时也通过谷歌的程序商店销售服务。Likewise, Jive is selling its services through Google Apps Marketplace in addition to hosting its own store.