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让人无限哀婉。and make people feel infinite pathos.

她的话非常哀婉动人。There is abundant pathos in her words.

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他的声音里有着多么难以形容的哀愁!What unutterable pathos was in his voice!

从此,他知道自己的处境是多麽悲怆。Thereafter he knows the pathos of his situation.

她给我讲那充满渴望的凄婉的故事。She told me stories filled with longing and pathos.

他以极具感伤力的笔触描述了饥饿的痛苦。With touching pathos he described the pangs of hunger.

他发出的每一个声音都充满着悲怅和崇高。Every word he uttered was full of pathos and sublimity.

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当她坐在教堂里时,脸上带着一种哀婉和辛辣的表情。As she sat in church her face had a pathos and poignancy.

它像旧时代的曲调,在激情演奏的留声机。It is like tunes of the old time, playing in pathos on the gramophone.

要是有一个伴侣在旁就会分散我的注意,冲淡此时此刻的哀婉之情。A companion would have been a distraction, diluting the pathos of the moment.

「我希望自己能爱。」道林格雷用低沉哀怨的声音叫道。"i wish i could love, " cried derian gray with a deep note of pathos in his voice.

女人总是多愁善感,为一些不足道的小事哀愁感伤或者杞人忧天。Women always yearn for the small matter of some insignificant sad pathos or unfounded.

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因此,露西和西德尼·卡登之间的会晤带有一种使我们感到揪心的凄楚的气氛。And so that interview between Lucie and Sydney Carton has a pathos that wrings our hearts.

因此,遗失与痛苦可能带来视觉的冲击和观点的改变。So, the flipside of loss or pathos can be a freshness of vision or a change of perspective.

而这种“忧抑感伤”,集中地体现在其笔下的“零余者”身上。And this kind of sadness and pathos is collectively embodied in the character of "the unwanted".

这个维吉尔式的共鸣在弥尔顿而言,传递了一种一目了然的悲怆和不可否认的绝美。The Virgilian echo gives this passage in Milton an unmistakable pathos and an undeniable beauty.

曹雪芹和他的作品主人公,均当被视为充斥悲情的文化英雄。Cao Xueqin together with the heroes in the story could be regarded as cultural ones with full pathos.

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一个人所拥有的用来经历痛苦的品味及敏感度显示出这个人是美学代表的一员。The taste and sensitivity to experience pathos shows that one is a member of the aesthetically elect.

他父亲看着他跨过了漫漫岁月和悠悠哀愁的鸿沟——那一条必然会割断父子之情的鸿沟。His father watched him across the gulf of years and pathos which always must divide a father from his son.

这出剧在我家屋顶凉台上搭建的舞台上演出,观众看起来颇为剧中的悲苦所感动。It was played on a stage erected on our roof-terrace, and the audience seemed profoundly moved by its pathos.