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好没出息,就是这样一个伤感情的女人。Unpromising good, that is, hurt the feelings of a woman.

您经常说女孩长大肯定没出息。You always say that girls grow up definitely unpromising.

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如果我们纠缠这些,那真是没出息,太没出息了。If we open a quarrel these, it was hopeless, so unpromising.

到了高中,她曾被人以为是个在语言方面不可栽培的人。Entering high school, she was ever considered unpromising in language.

在合同法中的事业终止于一个毫无未来的开端。Graydon Smith's career in contract law is off to an unpromising start.

其中有一些类似杏仁,看似不起眼的咖啡色豆子。Among these were a few dark brown beans that looked like almonds and seemed most unpromising.

果然平安到达了,巴士驶下渡船到了一个死气沉沉的工业区,有点像长了棕榈树的伦敦东区。And we do, driving off the ferry into an unpromising industrial area – a bit like the Isle of Dogs with palm trees.

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在重复、没希望的规律下面是一段失望史,造成的是在她一生中关键的男人们。Behind this repetitious and unpromising pattern lay a history of disappointment at the hands of the key men in her life.

行业网站的前途也并非郭凡生想象的那么悲观,但可以预见的是未来整个行业网站的电子商务大战会越来越激烈。But I don't think the industry websites are unpromising. But we can foresee that the competition will be fiercer in the future.

从一个暗淡无光的开端,走到无比辉煌的终点,至少就选举纪录来说,他远胜于老布什。From the most unpromising of starts, he ended up with a far more impressive record, at least in electoral terms, than George H W Bush.

即便不死,大多也如同王小二过年一年不如一年,显然,对整个行业的不景气,投资者只会“落井下石”而非“雪中送炭”。Some will bee worse and worse. Evidently because of the depression of whole industry, VC won't pay any attention to unpromising thing.

中国和印度的科学家正在合作探索把没有前景的旱地转变成多产农田的最佳方法。Researchers in China and India have joined forces to explore the best ways of turning unpromising drylands into productive farming land.

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即便不死,大多也如同王小二过年一年不如一年,显然,对整个行业的不景气,投资者只会“落井下石”而非“雪中送炭”。Some will become worse and worse. Evidently because of the depression of whole industry, VC won't pay any attention to unpromising thing.

至为粗陋之住所,或至为黯淡贫瘠之地域,若遇品性高雅之英格兰人,则可成令人神往之天堂。The rudest habitation, the most unpromising and scanty portion of land, in the hands of an Englishman of taste, becomes a little paradise.

从那时你就开始为保留性医学和你的门诊中心的权威而斗争,但这似乎四一场没有前途的斗争。Since then, you've been fighting a rather unpromising fightto at least preserve a professorship of sexual medicine and your outpatientcenter.

雷曼兄弟旗下欧洲和亚洲业务状况明显较为疲软,野村无望依据这一平台从头在美国竞争激烈的市场组建业务。The much weaker Lehman European and Asian franchises are an unpromising platform on which to build from scratch a presence in the competitive U.

用这种模型既能淘汰劣等方案,又能消除次要目标,从而可简便快速确定主要目标下的最优方案组合。The unpromising schemes and the less important objectives can be eliminated by using the model. The optimum schemes for the major objectives can be decided simply and quickly.

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大部分这些行星的体积比原本体积较大的土星还要大,这使得它们都不太适宜人类居住——因为这些体积巨大的行星往往都是气体行星,像土星一样没有可供行走的固态表面。Most of those planets are more massive than Saturn, which makes them unpromising from a habitability standpoint—such giants tend to be gaseous bodies without a surface to walk on.