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矛盾有两种形式。Contrariety then has two forms.

凡没有对立面的事物都不能有运动。All things that have no contrariety can not be moved.

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实体没有对立面,所以实体没有运动。Entity can not be moved for its having no contrariety.

要是你有过真正的悲哀,你就会觉得你为了这点小别扭掉眼泪是可耻的了。If you had any real griefs, you'd be ashamed to waste a tear on this little contrariety.

但是,在凯文•林奇的城市意象研究中,我们并没有看到这种决然的二元对立。However, such a definite contrariety cannot be found in Kevin Lynch's study of Urban Image.

我叫着。“要是你有过真正的悲哀,你就会觉得你为了这点小别扭掉眼泪是可耻的了。I exclaimed. 'If you had any real griefs, you'd be ashamed to waste a tear on this little contrariety.

对立和属性发生的运动相对应,缺失和实体的产生相对应。Contrariety corresponds to the motion of attribute, and privation corresponds to entities are generated.

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“病孩”在叙述功能中显现出来的矛盾性与深刻性,尤其值得关注。The contrariety and profundity in the narration of "the sick child" are worth paying close attention to.

既然一看见这样的内容,你可想而知,她当时想要读完这封信的心情是怎样迫切,她的感情上又给引起了多大的矛盾。But such as they were, it may be well supposed how eagerly she went through them, and what a contrariety of emotion they excited.

既然一看见这样的内容,你可想而知,她当时想要读完这封信的心情是怎样迫切,她的感情上又给引起了多大的矛盾。But such as they were, it may well be supposed how eagerly she went through them, and what a contrariety of emotion they excited.

她完全按照科学的方法来做,因为她知道木炭的克星还有如果不严格地按照标准做燃烧的拨火棍会马上化为灰烟。She did it very scientifically, as knowing the contrariety of coal and the anxiety of flaming sticks to end in smoke unless rigidly kept up to the mark.

这时,海面上荡漾着大片平滑的微波,轻柔的南风不停地吹来,方向与微波刚好一致,因此将原来的微波吹成了一片一片起伏的巨浪。There was a great smooth swell upon the sea. the wind blowing steady and gentle from the south there was no contrariety between that and the current and the billows rose and fell unbroken.

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文章还涉及古树景观的设计原则、价值评测、指标体系和枯树景观利用以及物种竞争、开发与保护的矛盾等问题。This paper also deals with the design principle, value evaluation, standard system, utilization of withered tree landscape species competition and contrariety between protection and utilization.