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贝尔系统MF音调体系的一个编钟成为CCITT标准。Variations of the Bell System MF tone scheme became a CCITT standard.

本文用CCITT建议的SDL语言以形式化描述的方法来设计该协议。We design the protocol by means of the SDL language suggested by CCITT.

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本篇文章中,将介绍ISO和CCITT的形式描述技术。In this paper the ISO & CCITT formal description techniques will be introduced.

国际电报电话咨询委员会的官员或者政府成员对提出的建议进行投票。These official or administration members of CCITT vote on the proposed recommendations.

这些表列出了CCITT信令系统前向和后向信号的信息单元。These tables list the information elements of the forward and backward signals for CCITT signalling systems.

从历史上看,美国加入了国际电报电话委员会由AT&T公司与美国国务院的代表监督。Historically, the United States has participated in CCITT through representatives of AT&T with State Department oversight.

目前,在宽带数字音频通信领域,1988年由CCITT制定的G.722标准被广泛认可和应用。Now in the area of wideband digital speech communication, G. 722 standard which was approved by CCITT in 1988 becomes more and more popular.

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国际电报电话咨询委员会的最高机构是大会全体会议,它是由所有感兴趣的政府成员和任何RPOA批准的行政会员组成。The supreme body of the CCITT is the Plenary Assembly, which is made up of all interested administration members and any RPOA with the approval of an administration member.

文中分析了干扰抖动下的抖动转移特性,提出了抑制这一干扰抖动的方法和干扰抖动的测试方法。A method to eliminate this interference jitter is found and CCITT standards to measure jitter transfer function are suggested to be adapted for inherent non-linearity in this procedure.

SDL是CCITT推荐的用于描述软件功能和行为规范的国际标准语言,并已广泛应用于程控交换领域。SDL recommended by CCITT is an international standard language with which software function and behaviour can be specified and which has been widely used in the field of SPC switching systems.

SDL是CCITT推荐的用于描述实时系统软件的功能和行为规范的标准语言。它可以用于软件生命周期模型中的许多阶段。SDL recommendated by CCITT is an international standard language which is used in the function and behaviour specifications of real-time system software in several phases of software life-cycle.