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祝一切好运,朋友们!Best luck, a mis amigos!

我和我的朋友们去看电影。Voy al cine con mis amigos.

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我的父母住在上海。Mis padres viven en Shanghai.

我喜欢和我的朋友们拍照。Me encanta fotografiarme con mis amigos.

知识之于精神,一如翜健康之于肉体。Wisdom mis to the mind what health is to the body.

晴雯遭难,“诽谤”起了极坏的作用,这是外因。Slander is the external cause for Qingwens mis fortune.

为此,设计了基于校园网的成绩管理系统。MIS based on campus-net is designed for the transformation.

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晚上好,女士们,先生们。晚安,朋友们。Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Buenas noches, mis amigos.

而作为吴宓等人思想之理论基础者,正是以白壁德为代表的新人文主义。The theoretic foundation of WU Mis theory is the Neo-Humanism.

但是闭合差校正往往是一个多解问题。However, mis tie correction is usually a multi-solution problem.

使用CASE工具有利于提高MIS开发的效率。Using CASE tools benefit to improve the efficency of MIS development.

常旅客计算机信息系统也成为各航空公司信息系统建设的一个热点。Frequent Flyer Program also become a hot point of airlines MIS building.

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总计,研究期间出现了279次致死性和374次非致死性心肌梗死。In total, 279 fatal and 374 nonfatal MIs occurred during the study period.

资讯科技和电脑相关问题皆属资讯系统管理部的管辖范围。All ITcomputer-related issues fall under the jurisdiction of the MIS department.

所有信息科技和与电脑相关的问题皆属信息系统管理部的管辖范围。All and computer-related issues fall under the jurisdiction of the MIS department.

该学院开办了名为Train2Game的远程学习课程。MIS runs distance learning courses in games development under the name Train2Game.

本课题针对大连小松雄连机械制造厂开发一个通用的MIS平台。We developed a universal MIS platform for Xiaosong Xionglian mechanism manufactory.

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“西南航空公司常旅客系统”是在引进瑞士航空常旅客系统的基础上进行二次开发的应用系统。Frequent Flyer Program of CSWA is a MIS system based on Qualiflier FFP of Swiss Air.

所有资讯科技和电脑相关问题皆属资讯系统管理部的管辖范围。All IT and computer-related issues fall under the jurisdiction of the MIS department.

第二章第三章阐述了MIS系统和仓储式MIS系统的基本理论。Chapter II and chapter III explains the basic theory of MIS system and storage system.