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从可疑的谈判者那里获取信息Getting Information from Distrustful Negotiators

泰瑞藏起了手机,伊菜对她很是怀疑,杰克通过电话另一端倾听着这一切。Jack listens as Teri hides the phone from the distrustful Eli.

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甚至那些对自己最缺乏信心的乘客也令人惊奇地鼓起了勇气。Even those passengers who were most distrustful of themselves pluck up amazingly.

不,我从来没有对你不真诚,事实上,我一直非常信任你。No, I would never be distrustful of you. In fact, I will ALWAYS trust you very much.

然而艾格文并不信任议会,她决定自己选择接班人。Yet Aegwynn, ever distrustful of the Council, decided to choose a successor on her own.

随着时间的推移,人们将渐渐变得不再那么暴力和具有破坏性,不再相互仇恨和不信任。Over time, people would become less hateful and destructive, less hateful and distrustful.

到这里,哲人还不至于和机灵人分离,但是已经开始有了戒心。Here the sages are not, as yet, separated from the skilful, but they begin to be distrustful.

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不管怎样,不信任“定量宽松”的资金持有人没有明显的投资场所。In any case there is no obvious place for fund holders, distrustful of “quantitative easing”, to go.

没有一个怀疑读者智商、态度高人一等的人能够写得像样。No one can write decently who is distrustful of the reader's intelligence, or whose attitude is patronizing.

他看起来不信任日本的新政府,而且不知到怎样与印度继续建立关系。He appeared distrustful of the new Japanese government and unsure of how to build on the relationship with India.

搜索引擎估计五音不全,对于音乐只能增加蜘蛛对于网站的怀疑程度。Search engine estimation is unmusical , can increase a spider only to music the distrustful degree to the website.

数年之后,霍梅尼改变了主意,但其时西方对伊朗的意图更加不信任。Within a few years, Khomeini changed his mind, but by then the West was much more distrustful of Iran's intentions.

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女性多年尿路感染并怀疑肾衰代偿该怎样治疗?Does road of old make water affects the woman and distrustful kidney decline how should be acting countervail treated?

公民从未对政府产生过如此强烈的不信任,然而要想对某些神圣的空间做出改变,又会被视为一种亵渎。Citizens have never been more distrustful of government, yet to alter certain sacred spaces would be considered sacrilege.

虽然面对不负责任和愚蠢的人,我们的爱必须严谨,但我们也不能过于自我保护,过分小心翼翼和不信任他人。Tough love may be the best response to irresponsible and foolish people, but we can be too guarded, too wary and distrustful.

她以从她的公司提供的咨询中得益的公司为例,吁请持怀疑态度的商人考虑他们自己的利益。She appeals to the self-interest of distrustful businessmen, citing examples of companies that had benefited from Check Up’s advice.

老板先是用怀疑的眼神看着我,后来看到我拿出的户型图,才打消了疑虑,“看点什么?”The boss is to use distrustful eyes to look at me first, see I am taken out later door model graph, just gave up misgive, "What to see?"

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如果婴幼儿自己的痛苦被忽视、鄙视,或者甚至被惩罚,那么他们被会不信任他们所处的环境,没有安全感。Infants and young children whose own distress is ignored, scorned or, worse yet, punished can quickly become distrustful of their environment and feel unsafe.

他不信任任何非威奎人,这导致他在去附近的塔图因旅行时,与赫特人贾巴的加莫族护卫发生了愚蠢的冲突。He was distrustful of any non-Weequay, which led to an ill-advised brawl against Gamorrean Guards in Jabba the Hutt's employ while on a trip to nearby Tatooine.

由于投资者不信任并拒绝共同基金,市场缺乏长期稳定的股票投资,而这类投资是帮助市场走向成熟的必要条件。With distrustful investors avoiding mutual funds, the market is starved of stable long-term stock investments, the type that has helped support more mature markets.