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这里讲的规则是什么呢?。What is the precept here?

榜样是最好的良言。Example is the best precept.

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我们都知道,“身教重于言教”。We all know that "example is better than precept."

这一概念已经指导了美国政策30年。This precept has guided U.S. government policy for 30 years.

那个烟就包括在酒里面。Smoking is included in the precept against taking intoxicants.

老太爷的言传身教早已使他儿子获益无穷。The son HAD well profited by the precept and example of the father.

我发现这个规则对我的快乐计划特别有用。I’ve found this precept to be extremely useful with my happiness project.

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使徒和先知,他们的行为要符合福音里的戒律。Now about the apostles and prophets, act in line with the gospel precept.

他们使我明白身教重于言教的真义。They bring home to me the true meaning of "Example is better than precept".

他便委托我写一首忘了是哪种道德教诲诗。He commissioned me to write a poem on some high moral precept which I do not remember.

“舞”是我们规划设计方案的主题,“龙之舞”代表了我们规划设计方案最主要的形态意向。The theme of this plan is dance. It is the most important conformation intent of the precept.

为人工降水方案统计设计提供可靠的科学依据。This provides reliable science data for precept statistic design of artificial precipitation.

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耶稣说,摩西因为你们的心硬,所以写这条例给你们。And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.

很多面临财务困境的人都是因为没有遵守这个简单的理念。Most financial hardships come down to people not being able to abide by this one simple precept.

守住第三戒会最困难,少年血气方刚,不过我会尽全力。The Third Precept will be the toughest to follow, for a young guy, but I will try my ultimate best.

一般的菩萨都知道文殊师利菩萨守不盗戒是真的。The other Bodhisattvas then knew that Manjushri Bodhisattva had truly upheld the precept against stealing.

佛教的一条理念正是让我们充分认识到我们能拥有人类的生命形态是多么宝贵啊!here is a Buddhist precept that asks usto be mindful of how rare it is to find ourselves in human form on Earth.

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当我们持守不偷盗戒后,肺部和鼻子只出些小毛病。But after we had started to uphold the precept of not stealing, our lung and nose problesm will gradually diminish.

对回转体、平板类等有代表性的塑件模具的加工和装配给出了具体的实施方案。A detailed precept about processing and assembling for the mold of solids of revolution or plates of the kind is given.

所以学佛的人要戒杀、长养慈悲心,即是这道理。For this reason, a Buddhist should faithfully keep the precept against killing, cultivating a compassionate mind instead.