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新邮件。New email.

新鞋子吗New shoes?

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新轮胎!New tires!

一个新的羽绒被。A new duvet.

新诺福克。New Norfolk.

新厌旧的家伙!New old guy!

老和新。Old and new.

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那列新的。The new one.

纽黑文住下来。In New Haven.

在纽海文吗In New Haven?

新的测试版本。New beta Ver.

新墙纸!New wallpaper!

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可有新的对话录?A new dialogue?

换张新的?Change new one?

新年好呀!Happy New Year!

新年快乐?Happy new year?

你好。我是新来的。Hello. I'm new.

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随同著一颗杂净的心灵?。I'm a new soul?

尝试新事物,正所谓人挪活树挪死。Try new things.

找一个新的聚焦点。Get a new focus.