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最可爱的人将会得到晋升。The most likable people get promoted.

这样看来还是虚拟的世界更可爱一些。A free virtual world seems more likable.

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因为这些图片挺眼熟,挺让人喜欢的。They were somehow familiar and somehow more likable.

为卫星导航系统制作可爱又迷人的声音。B. To create likable and engaging voices for satnavs.

起码,他表现出来的样子,是个非常讨喜的角色。At least, the way he's presented, he's a very likable character.

毫无疑问,阿斯特里德是一个早熟,且讨人喜欢的姑娘。There is no doubt that Astrid is a very likable and precocious girl.

你是如何将一个很容易被人讨厌的人物塑造得如此可爱?How do you manage to make a character who could be easily unlikable likable?

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小兔子是一种可爱的小动物,灵巧,驯良,很讨人喜好。Little rabbit is a lovely small animals, clever, and harmless, very likable.

然而,作为该系列电影中最讨人喜欢的角色,装傻充愣的希德是本片中最大亮点。However, cockeyed Sid, the series' most likable character, is a high point of the film.

正如格雷戈。金尼尔在剧中饰演的主角,这便是一部伟大电影的致命所在。And with the likable Greg Kinnear in the lead role, it had a shot at being a great film.

有些人会觉得你非常可爱,另一些人却会觉得你有些讨厌,这要看情况而定。Some people find you highly likable while others find you a bit annoying, depending on the case.

到底是什么东西让每一个了解他的人都没有理由不喜欢他呢?What makes someone so likable that everyone who knows him absolutely has no reason to dislike him?

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实际上,研究表明人们发现快乐的人比不那么快乐的人更受欢迎。Actually, studies show that people find happy people much more likable than their less-happy peers.

如果慢下来能够使得你更周全地与他人相处,你将会比现在更可爱。If slowing down makes you more considerate of other people, you’ll be even more likable than you are now.

在我的书里,我历数了我恨拉涅利的种种理由。除了这些那些的理由之外,他其实是个可爱的老家伙。I hated Ranieri for every reason in the book, except that, despite this, he personally was a very likable bloke.

多数有人缘的人,都会花心思去寻找令他们所接触的人愉快的东西。Most of the likable people have taken the trouble to find out what pleases those with whom they came in contact.

可爱的人会以一种温心而又随和的公众形象出现,他们身上散发出来的光芒像是在说,“我很乐意与你建立联系。Likable people expose a warm, easygoing public face with an outgoing radiance that states, "I am ready to connect.

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它是说单纯看到某样东西就能使它变得让人喜欢,也许是因为看多了,就感到自在和安全。The mere exposure effect is simply seeing something makes it likable perhaps because it becomes comfortable and safe.

他是个胖乎乎的逗人喜欢的小家伙,他的脚不停地爬上爬下,追逐昆虫、鸟和我。He was a very likable chubby little thing, always on his feet climbing up and down, chasing after insects, birds, and me.

他不会跟他们讲大道理,不会凭个人好恶,挑三捡四地选择帮助的对象,也不会谋求别人对他的好心以任何回报。He didn't preach to them, didn't pick and choose between the likable and the nasty, didn't look for any return on his kindness.