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他们抱怨说这个目标无法达成。They said the targe was out of reach.

她没有足够的动力去完成她的目标。She has no enough urge to reach her targe.

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对离散大系统的部分不稳定性我们也进行了研究。The partial instability for targe scale discrete systems is also discussed.

厂商的规模影响目标巿场的选择与竞争的策略。The manufacturer's scale is some influences with the strategy of the choice and competition of targe.

在2007年,美国羽绒羽毛理事会将检测大量的中国进口产品以保证它们符合美国的标准。A During 2007, the American Down and Feather Council will be testing targe numbers of imported Chinese products to make.

圆润的海洋如一面打磨光滑的金属圆盾一般,匐于他的脚下,渔船的影子在小小的海湾里游弋。Like a targe of polished metal the round sea lay at his feet, and the shadows of the fishing boats moved in the little bay.

文介绍了中国联通数据通信网的发展目标、络建设原则及其提供的业务。This paper introduces the developing targe of china unicom data communication network the principle of network construction the service provided.

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在党的思想政治教育模式下,培养出了一大批有志于社会主义建设的人才,取得了巨大的成就。In the party's ideological and political education mode, cultivate a targe number of interested in socialist construction, made great achievements.

这是你要给你的目标客户的个人宣传词,所以明智的选择你的商标吧,那是你提供的优质服务的标志。It is a personal statement of what you can give your targe audience. So choose your brand wisely because your brand is your stamp of excellent service.

通过机械传动使滚筒往复摆动,将物料从筛网中挤出制成颗粒或粉碎制粒。By driving of mechanism, the cylinder is swing to –and for to force the targe materials squeezed from sieve to make out granules or to smash is as granules.

中亚地区的未来不会取决于美国的一厢情愿,但是美国依然会将建立和加强中亚地区平衡作为自身在欧亚大陆综合性地缘战略的一个主要目标。The future of Central Asia does not depend on American wish, but America will regard establishing and strengthening the balance of power in Central Asia as a chief strategic targe.

以上海焦化总厂三联供工程为实例论述了煤气化工程在我国的发展前景,指出了空分装置在煤气化工程的重要性和煤气化工程对空分装置的要求及发展方向。In this paper, the writer suggested a process, by combining the gas turbine and air separation units, to re-cover the tail gas of the targe ammonia plant, a way for utilizing the tail gas.