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这男孩被拥立为王。The boy was proclaimed king.

她自封为专家。She proclaimed herself an expert.

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宣布了一个国定假日。A national holiday was proclaimed.

居鲁士就这样宣布了这个命令。Cyrusthen proclaimed this command.

国王宣布安为他的继承人。The king proclaimed Anne his heir.

苏萨本人则反复宣称,自己是无罪的。He has repeatedly proclaimed his innocence.

神父宣布他们已结为夫妇。The priest proclaimed them husband and wife.

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他们宣布她为特级教师。They proclaimed her a special-grade teacher.

比利时宣告成立独立王国。Belgium was proclaimed an independent kingdom.

他大声赞扬他妻子的品质。He had loudly proclaimed the quality of his wife.

他们极口称赞该机器的质量。They loudly proclaimed the quality of the machine.

钟声宣告新年开始。The clanging bells proclaimed the start of New Year.

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响亮的钟声宣布王子的诞生。The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince.

鸣响的钟声宣布王子诞生了。The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince.

科学缩短了距离。"Science has eliminated distance, " Melquíades proclaimed.

销售商说他的补药能医百病。The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all ills.

2003年,滚石杂志称赞希拉蕊为年度最佳青少年。Rolling Stone proclaimed her "Teenager of the Year" in 2003.

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推销员宣称他的滋补品将治愈所有的病。The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all diseases.

宣告禁食,叫拿伯坐在民间的高位上。They proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people.

屋顶,树木以及麻雀都在宣布春天的到来。The housetops, the trees, and the sparrows proclaimed the spring.