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然而,他非常喜欢不带任何副作用的孕酮植入。He did, however, like the progestin implant, which caused no side effects.

小剂量利维爱用于反加疗法,与其它反加方案组比更具优越性。Low dose Tibolone is a better option than other estrogen and progestin therapy.

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中国研究发现不带孕酮的睾丸激素能抑制精子生产。Chinese studies found that testosterone without progestin inhibits sperm production.

仍有子宫的更年期女性应同时服用雌激素和孕酮。Menopausal women who still hae a uterus take a combination of estrogen and progestin.

这项研究在很大程度上从雌激素和黄体酮当中单独区分了雌激素。This study differentiates estrogen alone from estrogen and progestin in a very big way.

目的探讨孕酮水平与早期先兆流产关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between progestin and premonitory abortion in early stage.

不同种类的生育控制组合药片含有不同剂量的雌激素和黄体酮。Different types of combination birth control pills contain different doses of estrogen and progestin.

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炔雌醇甲醚一种合成的雌激素,化学式为c21h26o2,与。A synthetic estrogen, C21H26O2, used in combination with a progestin in oral contraceptive preparations.

迷你避孕丸中的黄体酮要比低于口服复合避孕丸中含量低。The progestin dose in a minipill is lower than the progestin dose in a combination oral contraceptive pill.

在更年期服用雌激素孕丸老年妇女有报告称有较高的乳癌发病率。Higher breast cancer rates have been reported in older women who took estrogen- progestin pills for menopause.

这种类型的组合避孕药里,每一颗药丸含有的雌激素和黄体酮含量相同。In this type of combination birth control pill, each active pill contains the same amount of estrogen and progestin.

美国研究人员报告更危险的老年妇女谁采取雌激素替代药物雌激素和孕激素。American researchers report more risks for older women who take the hormone replacement drugs estrogen and progestin.

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1951年,奥地利人卡尔·杰罗西首次合成了这种药物,它通过模仿孕酮激素的作用制止卵子产生。First synthesised in 1951 by Austrian Carl Djerassi, progestin stops ovulation by imitating the hormone progesterone.

1951年,奥地利人卡尔·杰罗西首次分解了这种药物,它经历模仿孕酮激素的作用制止卵子发作。First synthesized in 1951 by Austrian Carl Djerassi, progestin stops ovulation by imitating the hormone progesterone.

生育控制组合药片,也叫做口服避孕药,它含有雌激素和黄体酮。Combination birth control pills, also known as the pill, are oral contraceptives that contain estrogen and a progestin.

其影响程度取决于药物类型以及雌激素和孕激素的成分比例。How much of an effect depends on the type of pill you're taking and what concentration of estrogen or progestin it contains.

单相。这种类型的组合避孕药里,每一颗药丸含有的雌激素和黄体酮含量相同。Monophasic. In this type of combination birth control pill, each active pill contains the same amount of estrogen and progestin.

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迷你避孕丸,也被称为单孕激素丸,是一种含有黄体酮荷尔蒙的口服避孕药。The minipill, also known as the progestin-only birth control pill, is an oral contraceptive that contains the hormone progestin.

HERS是一个随机、双盲、设有安慰剂对照的试验,观察了雌激素和孕激素对患有心脏病的老年妇女的影响。HERS was a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial of estrogen plus progestin in older postmenopausal women with heart disease.

孕激素诱导大脑抑制睪丸产生睾酮,继而阻止精子的生成。The progestin tricks the brain into signaling the testes to stop producing testosterone, which in turn stops the production of sperm.